contain oneself

contain oneself
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  • contain — /kənˈteɪn / (say kuhn tayn) verb (t) 1. to have within itself; hold within fixed limits. 2. Geometry to form the boundary of. 3. to be capable of holding; have capacity for. 4. to have as contents or constituent parts; comprise; include. 5. to… …  

  • contain — [kən tān′] vt. [ME conteinen < OFr contenir < L continere, to hold < com , together + tenere, to hold: see THIN] 1. to have in it; hold, enclose, or include [the can contains tea, the list contains 50 items] 2. to have the capacity for… …   English World dictionary

  • contain — verb Etymology: Middle English conteinen, from Anglo French cunteign , cuntyen , stem of cuntenir, from Latin continēre to hold together, hold in, contain, from com + tenēre to hold more at thin Date: 14th century transitive verb 1. to keep… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • contain — 1 hold or be capable of holding within itself; include, comprise. 2 (of measures) consist of or be equal to (a gallon contains eight pints). 3 prevent (an enemy, difficulty, etc.) from moving or extending. 4 control or restrain (oneself,… …   Useful english dictionary

  • pull oneself together — • to take oneself in hand • to pull oneself together (from Idioms in Speech) to contain oneself Quickly I took myself in hand and, with a glance at the weather, decided on a short walk. (A. Cronin) For the moment Jan could not remember where she… …   Idioms and examples

  • take oneself in hand — • to take oneself in hand • to pull oneself together (from Idioms in Speech) to contain oneself Quickly I took myself in hand and, with a glance at the weather, decided on a short walk. (A. Cronin) For the moment Jan could not remember where she… …   Idioms and examples

  • hold — hold1 holdable, adj. /hohld/, v., held; held or (Archaic) holden; holding; n. v.t. 1. to have or keep in the hand; keep fast; grasp: She held the purse in her right hand. He held the child s hand in his. 2. to set aside; reserve or retain: to… …   Universalium

  • dher-2, dherǝ- —     dher 2, dherǝ     English meaning: to hold, support     Deutsche Übersetzung: “halten, festhalten, stũtzen”     Material: O.Ind. dhar “hold, stop, bear, carry, prop, support, receive, hold upright “ (present mostly dhüra yati; perf. dadhü… …   Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary

  • resist — v 1. withstand, repel, repulse, Archaic. reluct; stand fast, make a stand, stand, breast, front, brook; stand at bay, breast the current, weather, not yield an inch, Inf. hang in there; stand one s ground, hold the line against; hold out, hold up …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • refrain — I verb abstain, avoid, be temperate, break off, cease, check, contain oneself, curb oneself, decline, desist, discontinue, dispense with, do without, eschew, evade, exercise self control, forbear, forestall, forgo, forsake, halt, have nothing to… …   Law dictionary

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