count against
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count against — ˌcount a ˈgainst [transitive] [present tense I/you/we/they count against he/she/it counts against present participle counting against past tense counted … Useful english dictionary
count against — phrasal verb [transitive] Word forms count against : present tense I/you/we/they count against he/she/it counts against present participle counting against past tense counted against past participle counted against count against someone to be a… … English dictionary
count against — PHRASAL VERB If something counts against you, it may cause you to be rejected or punished, or cause people to have a lower opinion of you. [V P n] He is highly regarded, but his youth might count against him … English dictionary
count against somebody — ˌcount aˈgainst sb | ˌcount sth aˈgainst sb derived to be considered or to consider sth to be a disadvantage in sb • For that job her lack of experience may count against her. • He has a criminal record but we hope that prospective employers won… … Useful english dictionary
count something against somebody — ˌcount aˈgainst sb | ˌcount sth aˈgainst sb derived to be considered or to consider sth to be a disadvantage in sb • For that job her lack of experience may count against her. • He has a criminal record but we hope that prospective employers won… … Useful english dictionary
count — I n. act of counting total, tally 1) to make, take a count 2) to keep count of 3) to lose count of 4) (boxing) to go down for the count ( to be counted out ); to take a count of ten 5) an accurate, correct count 6) a blood; body; cell; pollen… … Combinatory dictionary
count — count1 [ kaunt ] verb *** ▸ 1 say how many there are ▸ 2 say numbers in order ▸ 3 include in calculation ▸ 4 be important ▸ 5 treat/consider as something ▸ + PHRASES 1. ) intransitive or transitive to calculate how many people or things there are … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
count — [[t]ka͟ʊnt[/t]] ♦♦ counts, counting, counted 1) VERB When you count, you say all the numbers one after another up to a particular number. He was counting slowly under his breath... [V to num] Brian counted to twenty and lifted his binoculars. 2)… … English dictionary
against — a|gainst [ ə genst ] preposition *** 1. ) in opposition to someone or something a ) used for stating which plan, idea, or action someone opposes and thinks is wrong: Amnesty International has campaigned publicly against the death penalty. I m… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
against */*/*/ — UK [əˈɡenst] / US preposition 1) in opposition to someone/something a) used for stating which plan, idea, or action someone opposes and thinks is wrong Amnesty International has campaigned publicly against the death penalty. I m against all forms … English dictionary