course of proceeding
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proceeding — pro·ceed·ing n 1: a particular step or series of steps in the enforcement, adjudication, or administration of rights, remedies, laws, or regulations: as a: an action, hearing, trial, or application before the court collateral proceeding: a… … Law dictionary
Proceeding — Pro*ceed ing, n. 1. The act of one who proceeds, or who prosecutes a design or transaction; progress or movement from one thing to another; a measure or step taken in a course of business; a transaction; as, an illegal proceeding; a cautious or a … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
course — I noun act, act of pursuing, action, activity, advance, approach, arrangment, attack, campaign, completion, conduct, customary manner of procedure, delivery, design, direction, effectuation, effort, employment, endeavor, evolution, execution,… … Law dictionary
proceeding — [prō sēd′iŋ, prəsēd′iŋ] n. 1. an advancing or going on with what one has been doing 2. the carrying on of an action or course of action 3. a particular action or course of action 4. [pl.] a record of the business transacted by a learned society… … English World dictionary
proceeding — [n] undertaking, course of action act, action, adventure, casualty, circumstance, come off, deed, exercise, experiment, godown*, goings on*, happening, incident, maneuver, measure, move, movement, occurrence, operation, performance, procedure,… … New thesaurus
course of an action at law — index proceeding Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
proceeding — In a general sense, the form and manner of conducting juridical business before a court or judicial officer. Regular and orderly progress in form of law, including all possible steps in an action from its commencement to the execution of judgment … Black's law dictionary
course — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. channel, passage; march, progression; mode, method; curriculum (see learning); circuit. v. i. run, flow (see fluidity). II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [A route] Syn. direction, passage, path, way; see route 1 … English dictionary for students
course — /kawrs, kohrs/, n., v., coursed, coursing. n. 1. a direction or route taken or to be taken. 2. the path, route, or channel along which anything moves: the course of a stream. 3. advance or progression in a particular direction; forward or onward… … Universalium
course — /kɔs / (say kaws) noun 1. advance in a particular direction; onward movement. 2. the path, route or channel along which anything moves: the course of a stream; the course of a ship. 3. the ground, water, etc., on which a race is run, sailed, etc …