create havoc

create havoc
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  • create havoc — cause great destruction …   English contemporary dictionary

  • havoc — hav|oc [ hævək ] noun uncount a situation in which there is a lot of damage or destruction, or in which something cannot continue in its normal way because of problems: cause/create havoc (=cause a lot of damage or harm): Winter storms continued… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • havoc — hav|oc [ˈhævək] n [U] [Date: 1400 1500; : Anglo French; Origin: Old French havot destruction, disorder ] a situation in which there is a lot of damage or a lack of order, especially so that it is difficult for something to continue in the normal… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • havoc — noun (U) a situation in which there is a lot of confusion or damage: cause/create havoc: The Wall Street Crash created havoc and ruin. | wreak havoc (on)/play havoc with (=to cause great harm by causing a confusing situation) …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • havoc — UK [ˈhævək] / US noun [uncountable] a situation in which there is a lot of damage or destruction, or in which something cannot continue in its normal way because of problems cause/create havoc: Winter storms continued to cause havoc for drivers.… …   English dictionary

  • havoc — noun 1) the hurricane caused havoc Syn: devastation, destruction, damage, desolation, ruination, ruin; disaster, catastrophe 2) hyperactive children create havoc Syn: disorder, chaos, disruption …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • Havoc TV on the 101 — Havoc TV is a television show made exclusively by Directv on channel 101 or other Directv only channels where people can text chat and vote for their favorite music videos via cell phone. It includes a sports hour in the middle of the day and at… …   Wikipedia

  • havoc — noun VERB + HAVOC ▪ cause, create, play, wreak PREPOSITION ▪ havoc among ▪ The new tax could wreak havoc among smaller companies …   Collocations dictionary

  • havoc — havocker, n. /hav euhk/, n., v., havocked, havocking. n. 1. great destruction or devastation; ruinous damage. 2. cry havoc, to warn of danger or disaster. 3. play havoc with, a. to create confusion or disorder in: The wind played havoc with the… …   Universalium

  • create — verb Create is used with these nouns as the subject: ↑architect, ↑artist, ↑developer, ↑economy, ↑program, ↑programmer, ↑sculptor, ↑treaty Create is used with these nouns as the object: ↑ballet, ↑account, ↑ …   Collocations dictionary

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