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CARD PLAY AND THE COWBOY HERO — The stereotypical cowboy hero plays cards and plays them well. Inevitably he can spot a crooked dealer and handles cheaters quickly and efficiently. Yet the cowboy hero is an amateur, and he naturally suspects the honesty of all professional… … Westerns in Cinema
palter — I verb act, act insincerely, be deceitful, be deceptive, be dishonest, be evasive, be false, be fraudulent, be hypocritical, be inconstant, be insincere, be mendacious, be perfidious, be uncandid, be untruthful, bear false witness, beguile,… … Law dictionary
palter — /ˈpɔltə/ (say pawltuh) verb (i) 1. to talk or act insincerely; equivocate; deal crookedly. 2. to haggle. 3. to trifle: *inwardly he had a profound suspicion that the tall man was paltering with the truth –norman lindsay, 1913. {compare obsolete… …
pal´ter|er — pal|ter «PL tuhr», intransitive verb. 1. to talk or act insincerely; trifle deceitfully: »Do not palter with the truth. Man crouches and blushes…he palters and steals (Emerson). SYNONYM(S): equivocate. 2. to act carelessly; trifle: »Do not palter … Useful english dictionary
pal|ter — «PL tuhr», intransitive verb. 1. to talk or act insincerely; trifle deceitfully: »Do not palter with the truth. Man crouches and blushes…he palters and steals (Emerson). SYNONYM(S): equivocate. 2. to act carelessly; trifle: »Do not palter with a… … Useful english dictionary
ancient Greek civilization — ▪ historical region, Eurasia Introduction the period following Mycenaean civilization, which ended in about 1200 BC, to the death of Alexander the Great, in 323 BC. It was a period of political, philosophical, artistic, and scientific… … Universalium
Jumping position — The jumping position is a position used by equestrians when jumping over an obstacle. It usually involves what is known as the forward seat or 2 point because the rider has 2 points in contact with the horse; the legs and hands. It was first… … Wikipedia
Brackenwood — is an award winning series created by Adam Phillips, webmaster of the [ Bitey Castle] website. It currently includes a continuing series of short Flash animations about the inhabitants of a small fictional forest planet… … Wikipedia
Haunches-in — (also called travers ) is a lateral movement used in training of the horse. It has a close cousin, haunches out (renvers, croupe au mur ), that is slightly more difficult. Both movements are three track , meaning they produce three lines of hoof… … Wikipedia
crooked — /ˈkrʊkəd / (say krookuhd) adjective 1. bent; not straight; curved. 2. deformed. 3. Colloquial dishonest: a crooked deal. –phrase Colloquial 4. crooked as a dog s hind leg, extremely dishonest. 5. crooked on, angry with. {Middle English, Old… …