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Valid but irregular — is a term applied in churches which have a concept of Holy Orders (particularly the Anglican and Roman Catholic Churches) to acts carried out by someone who is able, due to their possession of the appropriate orders, to carry out the act, but… … Wikipedia
validate — val·i·date / va lə ˌdāt/ vt dat·ed, dat·ing 1 a: to make valid b: to grant official sanction to by marking 2: to confirm the validity of (an election) val·i·da·tion /ˌva lə dā shən/ n … Law dictionary
disallow — verb refuse to declare valid. Derivatives disallowance noun … English new terms dictionary
Baptism — • One of the Seven Sacraments of the Christian Church; frequently called the first sacrament , the door of the sacraments , and the door of the Church Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Baptism Baptism … Catholic encyclopedia
Absolution — • The remission of sin, or of the punishment due to sin, granted by the Church Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Absolution Absolution … Catholic encyclopedia
Comparison of C Sharp and Java — The correct title of this article is Comparison of C# and Java. The substitution or omission of the # sign is because of technical restrictions. Programming language comparisons General comparison Basic syntax Basic instructions … Wikipedia
C variable types and declarations — The C programming language has an extensive system for declaring variables of different types. The rules for the more complex types can be confusing at times, due to the decisions taken over their design. The principal decision is that the… … Wikipedia
Christianity — /kris chee an i tee/, n., pl. Christianities. 1. the Christian religion, including the Catholic, Protestant, and Eastern Orthodox churches. 2. Christian beliefs or practices; Christian quality or character: Christianity mixed with pagan elements; … Universalium
Anglican Orders — • In the creed of the Catholic Church, Holy Order is one of the Seven Sacraments instituted by Our Lord Jesus Christ Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Anglican Orders Anglican Orders … Catholic encyclopedia
Document Type Definition — (DTD) is a set of markup declarations that define a document type for SGML family markup languages (SGML, XML, HTML). DTDs were a precursor to XML schema and have a similar function, although different capabilities. DTDs use a terse formal syntax … Wikipedia