delation by criminal charges

delation by criminal charges
index arraignment

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

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  • arraignment — I noun accusation, accusation in court, allegation of criminal wrongdoing, crimination through law enforcement, delation by criminal charges, formal accusal, imputation from criminal proceeding, incrimination, inculpation by prosecution, judicial …   Law dictionary

  • accusation — ac·cu·sa·tion /ˌa kyə zā shən/ n 1: a formal charge of wrongdoing, delinquency, or fault the accused shall enjoy the be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation U.S. Constitution amend. VI compare allegation …   Law dictionary

  • charge — 1 n 1 a: something required: obligation b: personal management or supervision put the child in his charge c: a person or thing placed under the care of another 2: an authoritative instr …   Law dictionary

  • count — n: charge; specif: a charge (as in a complaint or indictment) that separately states a cause of action or esp. offense guilty on all count s Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 …   Law dictionary

  • indictment — in·dict·ment /in dīt mənt/ n 1: the action or the legal process of indicting 2 a: a formal written statement framed by a prosecuting authority and found by a grand jury that charges a person or persons with an offense compare complaint, informati …   Law dictionary

  • Tiberius — /tuy bear ee euhs/, n. (Tiberius Claudius Nero Caesar) 42 B.C. A.D. 37, Roman emperor 14 37. * * * I in full Tiberius (Julius) Caesar Augustus orig. Tiberius Claudius Nero born Nov. 16, 42 BC died March 16, AD 37, Capreae, near Naples Second… …   Universalium

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