deny flatly

deny flatly
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  • deny — v. 1) to deny categorically, emphatically, fervently, flatly, strongly, vehemently 2) (A; usu. used without to) he denies himself nothing; they were denied admittance; to deny smb. bail; Everton s defence denied Liverpool the winning goal; he… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • deny — /dI naI/ verb (T) 1 SAY STH IS UNTRUE to say that something someone has said about you is not true: I saw you, so don t try to deny it! | deny (that): Do you deny that this is your writing? | I can t deny her remarks hurt me. | deny doing sth: He …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • deny — verb 1 say sth is not true ADVERB ▪ adamantly, emphatically, fiercely, firmly, hotly, steadfastly (esp. AmE), strenuously, strongly, vehemently, vigorou …   Collocations dictionary

  • flatly — flat|ly [ˈflætli] adv 1.) flatly refuse/deny/oppose etc sth to say something in a direct and definite way that is not likely to change ▪ He flatly denied ever having met the woman. 2.) without showing any emotion ▪ Aunt Alicia has changed her… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • flatly — flat|ly [ flætli ] adverb 1. ) in a firm and definite way intended to end discussion of a subject: flatly refuse/deny/reject: He flatly denied being near the scene of the crime. 2. ) without showing any emotion or interest: How can I help you?… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • flatly — adverb 1 flatly refuse/deny/oppose etc to say something in a direct and definite way that is not likely to change: She flatly refused to tell us where he was. 2 without showing any emotion: “Aunt Alicia has changed her will,” she said flatly …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • flatly — UK [ˈflætlɪ] / US adverb 1) in a firm and definite way intended to end discussion of a subject flatly refuse/deny/reject: He flatly denied being near the scene of the crime. 2) without showing any emotion or interest How can I help you? the clerk …   English dictionary

  • flatly — flat, flatly The dominant adverbial form flatly is always used figuratively with words of denial and rejection such as contradict, deny, oppose, refuse, and reject. Flat is used in fixed expressions such as flat broke and turn something down flat …   Modern English usage

  • flatly — adv. Flatly is used with these verbs: ↑answer, ↑contradict, ↑declare, ↑deny, ↑disagree, ↑refuse, ↑reject, ↑reply, ↑respond, ↑say, ↑state, ↑tell …   Collocations dictionary

  • flat - flatly — Flat is usually used as a noun or an adjective, but it is sometimes used as an adverb. ◊ flat used as a noun In British English, a flat is a set of rooms for living in, usually on one floor of a large building. ...a ground floor flat. See entry… …   Useful english dictionary

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