devote oneself to
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devote oneself — index adhere (maintain loyalty) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
devote oneself to — dedicate oneself to, put all one s energy into … English contemporary dictionary
devote — v. 1) to devote oneself completely, entirely 2) (D; refl., tr.) to devote to (he devoted himself to his work; we must devote a lot of time to this project) * * * [dɪ vəʊt] entirely to devote oneself completely (D; refl., tr.) to devote to (he… … Combinatory dictionary
devote — /dəˈvoʊt / (say duh voht) verb (t) (devoted, devoting) 1. to appropriate to a particular pursuit, occupation, purpose, cause, person, etc.: to devote evenings to reading. 2. to appropriate by or as by a vow; consecrate: to devote my life to good… …
devote — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. t. give to, employ at; destine, dedicate, consecrate. See undertaking, attention, use, resolution, worship. II (Roget s IV) v. Syn. dedicate, apply, consecrate, give; see bless 3 , dedicate 2 . See… … English dictionary for students
devote — 1 Devote, dedicate, consecrate, hallow mean to set apart something or less often someone for a particular use or end. Devote often implies a giving up or setting apart because of motives almost as impelling as those that demand a vow {devotes her … New Dictionary of Synonyms
devote — [di vōt′] vt. devoted, devoting [< L devotus, pp. of devovere, to dedicate by vow < de , from + vovere, to vow: see VOTE] 1. to set apart for a special use or service; dedicate 2. to give up (oneself or one s time, energy, etc.) to some… … English World dictionary
devote — I verb allot, apply, apportion, appropriate, assign, attend, be absorbed in, be attentive, be engrossed in, concentrate, concern, consecrare, consecrate, contemplate, dedere, dedicate, devovere, direct attention, focus, give attention, heed,… … Law dictionary
devote — [v] commit one’s energies, thoughts allot, apply, apportion, appropriate, assign, bestow, bless, concern oneself, confide, consecrate, consign, dedicate, donate, enshrine, entrust, give, give away, hallow, hand out, occupy oneself, pledge,… … New thesaurus
devote — & refl. 1 (foll. by to) apply or give over (resources etc. or oneself) to (a particular activity or purpose or person) (devoted their time to reading; devoted himself to his guests). 2 archaic doom to destruction. Derivatives: devotement n … Useful english dictionary