real party in interest

real party in interest
real party in interest see party 1b

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. . 1996.

real party in interest
A person with the legal right to enforce a claim and to benefit from a lawsuit if successful.

The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. . 2008.

real party in interest
The person or entity who will benefit from a lawsuit or petition even though the plaintiff (the person filing the suit) is someone else (often called a "nominal" plaintiff). For example, a trustee files a suit against a person who damaged a building owned by the trust; the real party in the interest is the beneficiary of the trust.
Category: Small Claims Court & Lawsuits

Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary. . 2009.

real party in interest
   the person or entity who will benefit from a lawsuit or petition even though the plaintiff (the person filing the suit) is someone else, often called a "nominal" plaintiff. Example: a trustee files a suit against a person who damaged a building owned by the trust; the real party in the interest is the beneficiary of the trust.

Law dictionary. . 2013.

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  • Real party in interest — In law, the real party in interest is the one who actually possesses the substantive right being asserted and has a legal right to enforce the claim (under applicable substantive law). Additionally, the real party in interest must sue in his own… …   Wikipedia

  • real party in interest — The person to be benefited by, or entitled to receive the benefits of, the suit. More precisely, that person who can discharge the claim upon which suit is brought and control the action brought to enforce it, Usually but not necessarily the… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • real party in interest — 1. : the party entitled to the benefits or proceeds of a cause of action (as an assignee or subrogee) as distinguished from the person ordinarily entitled to maintain the action 2. : the party primarily responsible for a liability or obligation …   Useful english dictionary

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  • party — A person concerned or having or taking part in any affair, matter, transaction, or proceeding, considered individually. A party to an action is a person whose name is designated on record as plaintiff or defendant. M & A Elec. Power Co op, v.… …   Black's law dictionary

  • real — adj [Anglo French, concerning land, property, or things (rather than persons), from Middle French, from Medieval Latin and Late Latin; Medieval Latin realis relating to things (in law), from Late Latin, actual, from Latin res thing, fact] 1 a: of …   Law dictionary

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