- representative
rep·re·sen·ta·tive 1 adj1: serving to represent2 a: standing or acting for another esp. through delegated authorityan agent acting in a representative capacityb: of, based on, or constituting a government in which the people are represented by individuals chosen from among them usu. by election3: of or relating to representationrepresentative 2 n: one that represents another or others in a special capacity: asa: one that represents a constituency as a member of a legislative or other governing body; specif: a member of the House of Representatives of the U.S. Congress or a state legislatureb: one that represents another as agent, deputy, substitute, or delegate and that usu. is invested with the authority of the principalc: one that represents or stands in the place of a deceased person: personal representatived: one that represents another as successor or heire: one named as the plaintiff or defendant in a class action to litigate on behalf of the classre·prieve 1 /ri-'prēv/ vt re·prieved, re·priev·ing [alteration of earlier repry to send back (to prison), return to custody, perhaps from Anglo-French repris, past participle of reprendre to take back, from Old French]: to delay the punishment of (as a condemned prisoner)reprieve 2 n1 a: the act of reprieving: the state of being reprievedb: a formal temporary suspension of the execution of a sentence esp. of death as an act of clemency2: an order or warrant of reprieve
Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam-Webster. 1996.
- representative
acting, adumbrative, agential, characteristic, connotative, delegated, denotative, depictive, deputative, deputed, distinctive, emblematic, exemplary, faithful, figurative, graphic, graphical, illustrational, illustrative, indicative, indicatory, representational, sample, standard, symbolic, symbolical, typical, typifying
associated concepts: representative action, representative capacity, representative suit
(example) noun
exemplar, model, paragon, sample, specimen, symbol, typical example, typical instance
(proxy) noun
agent, barrister, broker, counsel, delegate, deputy, emissary, envoy, go-between, lawyer, messenger, middle man, solicitor, spokesman, substitute, substitution, trustee, vicarius
associated concepts: lawful representative, legal representative
acting, advocate (counselor), agent, broad, broker, case (example), conduit (intermediary), congruous, demonstrative (illustrative), deputy, descriptive, employee, epitome, example, exemplary, factor (commission merchant), functionary, general, indicant, instance, intermediary, lawmaker, legislator, liaison, nominee (delegate), normal (regular), ordinary, plenipotentiary, politician, proctor, procurator, proxy, realistic, replacement, sample, several (separate), specimen, spokesman, substitute, surrogate, typical, usual
Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006
- representative
n.A person appointed to speak or act on someone else’s behalf; an agent; a person who represents a group of people in a legislative body.adj.Typical of a type or class. See also House of Representatives, personal representative
The Essential Law Dictionary. — Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney Blackwell. 2008.
- representative
1) An agent or other individual who stands in for another.2) Someone who serves a constituency, such as a member of the House of Representatives.3) The executor or administrator of the estate of a person who has died, sometimes called a personal representative.Category: Small Claims Court & LawsuitsCategory: Wills, Trusts & Estates → WillsCategory: Wills, Trusts & Estates → Estates, Executors & Probate Court
Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary. Gerald N. Hill, Kathleen Thompson Hill. 2009.
- representative
n. Agent; someone who is authorized to act in place of and on behalf of someone else, by that other person for some special purpose. A representative is entitled to certain rights based upon her or his status, including the right to bargain on behalf of employees, or to discovery of trial preparation materials.See also personal representative, registered representative.
Webster's New World Law Dictionary. Susan Ellis Wild. 2000.
- representative
An individual who stands in the place of another.
Dictionary from West's Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005.
- representative
An individual who stands in the place of another.
Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations.
- representative
1) n. an agent.2) n. in probate law, a generic term for an executor or administrator of the estate of a person who has died, generally referred to as the "personal representative."3) adj. typical, as "these pictures are representative of the conditions at the job site."
Law dictionary. EdwART. 2013.