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equally — Fowler (1926) condemned the use of equally as (They are equally as good) as an ‘illiterate tautology’, preferring either They are equally good or They are as good. Another unexceptionable possibility, which goes some way to providing the sentence … Modern English usage
equally — ► ADVERB 1) in an equal manner. 2) in amounts or parts that are equal. 3) to an equal degree. USAGE The construction equally as, as in follow up discussion is equally as important should be avoided: just use either equally or as alone … English terms dictionary
equally as — informal used to say that one thing is as important, good, etc., as another thing One project is equally as [=just as] important as the other. • • • Main Entry: ↑equally … Useful english dictionary
Equally — E qual*ly, adv. In an equal manner or degree in equal shares or proportion; with equal and impartial justice; without difference; alike; evenly; justly; as, equally taxed, furnished, etc. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
equally — late 14c., from EQUAL (Cf. equal) + LY (Cf. ly) (2) … Etymology dictionary
equally — [ē′kwəl ē] adv. in an equal manner; in or to an equal extent or degree; uniformly, impartially, etc … English World dictionary
equally — [[t]i͟ːkwəli[/t]] ♦♦♦ 1) ADV: ADV after v, ADV ed Equally means in sections, amounts, or spaces that are the same size as each other. A bank s local market share tends to be divided equally between the local branch and branches located elsewhere … English dictionary
equally as — The adverb equally is redundant (wordy) when combined with as. Omit equally in a statement such as Hard work is (equally) as valuable as ability. Delete as from a remark such as Equally (as) significant is one s desire to improve his lot … Dictionary of problem words and expressions
equally */*/*/ — UK [ˈiːkwəlɪ] / US [ˈɪkwəlɪ] adverb 1) a) in a way that is fair and is the same for everyone Ministers have agreed to treat all the cases equally. b) in equal amounts or quantities The money raised will be divided equally between the charities.… … English dictionary
equally*/*/ — [ˈiːkwəli] adv 1) in equal amounts or quantities The money raised will be divided equally among the charities.[/ex] 2) to the same degree This recipe works equally well with soft fruit.[/ex] 3) used for adding another comment that has the same… … Dictionary for writing and speaking English