existing in equity
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equity — eq·ui·ty / e kwə tē/ n pl ties [Latin aequitat aequitas fairness, justice, from aequus equal, fair] 1 a: justice according to fairness esp. as distinguished from mechanical application of rules prompted by considerations of equity comity between… … Law dictionary
Equity stripping — Equity stripping, also known as equity skimming or foreclosure rescue, is any of various predatory real estate practices aimed at vulnerable, often low income, homeowners facing foreclosure in the United States. Often considered a form of… … Wikipedia
equity — [ek′wit ē] n. pl. equities [ME equite < OFr équité < L aequitas, equality < aequus: see EQUAL] 1. fairness; impartiality; justice 2. anything that is fair or equitable ☆ 3. the value of property beyond the total amount owed on it in… … English World dictionary
Equity co-investment — An equity co investment (or co investment) is a minority investment, made directly into an operating company, alongside a financial sponsor or other private equity investor, in a leveraged buyout, recapitalization or growth capital transaction.… … Wikipedia
existing equity — An existing right enforceable in equity, if not at law. The right of a carrier to deny as to the shipper receipt of the goods for which its agent has issued a bill of lading is an existing equity within the provision of the Federal Bill of Lading … Ballentine's law dictionary
Equity — Represents ownership interest in a firm. Also the residual dollar value of a futures trading account, assuming its liquidation at the going market price. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * equity eq‧ui‧ty [ˈekwti] noun equities… … Financial and business terms
equity — The value of a futures trading account with all open positions valued at the going market price. The CENTER ONLINE Futures Glossary Ownership interest in a firm. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary Also, the residual dollar value ( residual value) of… … Financial and business terms
Equity derivative — In finance, an equity derivative is a class of financial instruments whose value is at least partly derived from one or more underlying equity securities. Market participants trade equity derivatives in order to transfer or transform certain… … Wikipedia
Equity Takeout — Taking money out of a property to use for a variety of purposes. Equity takeout allows homeowners to tap into the equity of their home. When an equity takeover is done on your home, the principal on the value of the mortgage will increase, if… … Investment dictionary
equity */*/ — UK [ˈekwətɪ] / US noun Word forms equity : singular equity plural equities 1) a) [uncountable] formal a fair and reasonable way of behaving towards people, so that everyone is treated in the same way a political campaign for pay equity b) legal a … English dictionary