expressed concisely

expressed concisely
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  • Invertible matrix — In linear algebra an n by n (square) matrix A is called invertible (some authors use nonsingular or nondegenerate) if there exists an n by n matrix B such that where In denotes the n by n identity matrix and the multiplication used is ordinary… …   Wikipedia

  • Covenant theology — This article is about Calvinist theological framework. For Covenantal Theology in the Roman Catholic perspective, see Covenantal Theology (Roman Catholic). For the religious and political movement in Scotland, see Covenanters. Calvinism John… …   Wikipedia

  • World Calendar — The World Calendar is a proposed reform of the Gregorian calendar created by Elisabeth Achelis of Brooklyn, New York in 1930.FeaturesThe World Calendar is a 12 month, perennial calendar with equal quarters. It is perennial, or perpetual, because… …   Wikipedia

  • Restoration Branches — are the primary organizational and congregational units of the Restorationist movement. They were formed primarily by church members withdrawing from active support of the RLDS church organization during the 1980s. The Restoration Branch… …   Wikipedia

  • compact — compact1 compactedly, adv. compactedness, n. compactly, adv. compactness, n. adj. /keuhm pakt , kom , kom pakt/; v. /keuhm pakt /; n. /kom pakt/, adj. 1. joined or packed together; closely and firmly united; dense; solid: compact soil …   Universalium

  • compact — I (dense) adjective arranged within a small space, bunched, close, close knit, close set, close together, closely united, clustered, cohesive, compacted, compressed, concentrated, condensed, consolidated, constricted, constringed, contracted,… …   Law dictionary

  • compact — I com•pact adj. [[t]kəmˈpækt, kɒm , ˈkɒm pækt[/t]] v. [[t]kəmˈpækt[/t]] n. [[t]ˈkɒm pækt[/t]] adj. 1) joined or packed together; dense; solid: compact soil[/ex] 2) arranged within a relatively small space: a compact kitchen[/ex] 3) designed to be …   From formal English to slang

  • compact — I. adjective /kɒmˈpækt / (say kom pakt), /ˈkɒmpækt / (say kompakt) 1. joined or packed together; closely and firmly united; dense; solid. 2. arranged within a relatively small space. 3. expressed concisely; pithy; terse; not diffuse. –verb (t)… …  

  • concise — concisely, adv. /keuhn suys /, adj. expressing or covering much in few words; brief in form but comprehensive in scope; succinct; terse: a concise explanation of the company s retirement plan. [1580 90; < L concisus cut short (ptp. of concidere) …   Universalium

  • short-spoken — expressed briefly, said concisely …   English contemporary dictionary

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