
I (exaggerated) adjective aggrandized, amplified, beyond the limit, drastic, enlarged, exceeding, exceeding the bounds of moderation, excessive, exorbitant, fanatical, flagrant, going to the utmost lengths, going too far, gross, hyperbolic, immoderate, inordinate, intemperate, magnified, out of bounds, out of proportion, outrageous, overboard, overdone, overstated, overzealous, rabid, radical, undue, unreasonable, unwarranted, violent II (last) adjective at the edge, at the utmost point, concluding, conclusive, definitive, determinative, ending, endmost, extremus, farthest, farthest removed, final, finishing, furthest, hindermost, hindmost, last, most distant, most remote, outermost, situated at the farthest limit, summus, terminal, terminative, ultimate, ultimus, utmost, uttermost associated concepts: extreme cases foreign phrases:
- Probatis extremis, praesumuntur media. — the extremes having been proved
those things which lie between are presumed. III index brutal, ceiling, conclusive (settled), contra, dire, draconian, drastic, end (termination), excess, excessive, exorbitant, fanatical, final, gross (flagrant), harsh, hot-blooded, inordinate, insufferable, intemperate, intense, last (final), lurid, noteworthy, outrageous, strict, superlative, ultimate, unconscionable, undue (excessive), unendurable, unreasonable, unusual, utmost

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  • extrême — [ ɛkstrɛm ] adj. et n. m. • estreme XIIIe; lat. extremus, superl. de exter → 1. extérieur I ♦ Adj. 1 ♦ Qui est tout à fait au bout, qui termine (un espace, une durée). L extrême limite. ⇒ dernier. À l extrême pointe : tout au bout. Point, zone… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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  • Extreme — or Xtreme may refer to:In music: *Extreme (band), an American band ** Extreme (album), an album by Extreme *Xtreme (group), a Latin music group ** Xtreme (album), an album by Xtreme * Extremes (album), an album by Collin Raye *Extreme Records, a… …   Wikipedia

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  • extreme — [ek strēm′, ikstrēm′] adj. [ME & OFr < L extremus, last, outermost, superl. of exterus, outer: see EXTERNAL] 1. at the end or outermost point; farthest away; most remote; utmost 2. a) in or to the greatest degree; very great or greatest… …   English World dictionary

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