failure to pay

failure to pay
index default, nonpayment

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

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  • failure — failure, neglect, default, miscarriage, dereliction are comparable when they mean an omission on the part of someone or something of what is expected or required oj him or of it. Failure basically implies a being found wanting; it implies a lack… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • failure to meet obligations — Inability or failure to pay debts as due. For example, bank s failure to pay depositors on demand constitutes failure to meet obligations in most cases. Where bank closed its doors and ceased to transact business or make transfers of capital… …   Black's law dictionary

  • failure to meet obligations — Inability or failure to pay debts as due. For example, bank s failure to pay depositors on demand constitutes failure to meet obligations in most cases. Where bank closed its doors and ceased to transact business or make transfers of capital… …   Black's law dictionary

  • failure — noun Etymology: alteration of earlier failer, from Anglo French, from Old French faillir to fail Date: 1643 1. a. omission of occurrence or performance; specifically a failing to perform a duty or expected action < failure to pay the rent on time …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • failure — / feɪljə/ noun not doing something which you promised to do ♦ failure to pay a bill not paying a bill …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • pay dearly — ► pay dearly suffer for a misdemeanour or failure. Main Entry: ↑pay …   English terms dictionary

  • pay the penalty — pay a fine, endure, receive punishment    He paid the penalty for his laziness: failure …   English idioms

  • pay — pay1 /pay/, v., paid or (Obs. except for defs. 12, 24c) payed; paying; n., adj. v.t. 1. to settle (a debt, obligation, etc.), as by transferring money or goods, or by doing something: Please pay your bill. 2. to give over (a certain amount of… …   Universalium

  • pay — I [[t]peɪ[/t]] v. paid or ( obs. except for def. 18b) payed, pay•ing, 1) to discharge or settle (a debt, obligation, etc.), as by transferring money or goods, or by doing something 2) to give over (money) in exchange for something 3) to transfer… …   From formal English to slang

  • pay — pay1 verb (past and past participle paid) 1》 give (someone) money due for work, goods, or a debt incurred.     ↘give (a sum of money) thus owed.     ↘(pay someone off) dismiss someone with a final payment. 2》 be profitable or advantageous.… …   English new terms dictionary

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