- falseheartedness
bad faith, deceit, dishonesty, duplicity, infidelity
Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006
Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006
bad faith — n: intentional deception, dishonesty, or failure to meet an obligation or duty no evidence of bad faith compare good faith in bad faith: with or characterized by intentional deception or dishonesty possessor in bad faith an obligation … Law dictionary
deceit — de·ceit n: deliberate and misleading concealment, false declaration, or artifice: deception theft by deceit; also: the tort of committing or carrying out deceit an action for deceit see also fraud, misrepresentation … Law dictionary
duplicity — du·plic·i·ty /dü pli sə tē, dyü / n pl ties [Late Latin duplicitat duplicitas duality, double dealing, from Latin duplex twofold] 1: the use of deceptive words or actions 2: the use of more than one claim, allegation, or defense in a single… … Law dictionary
dishonesty — I noun bad faith, cheating, chicane, chicanery, corruption, corruptness, cozenage, deceit, deceitfulness, deception, deviation from probity, dishonor, disingenuousness, disposition to deceive, disposition to defraud, disposition ro lie, duplicity … Law dictionary
infidelity — I noun abandonment of allegiance, apostasy, bad faith, betrayal, betrayal of oath, betrayal of trust, breach of faith, breach of promise, breach of trust, broken faith, broken word, cuckoldry, deceitfulness, defection, desertion, disaffection,… … Law dictionary
artfulness — Synonyms and related words: Gongorism, Italian hand, ability, acuteness, address, adeptness, adroitness, affectation, affectedness, airmanship, animal cunning, art, artifice, artificiality, artisanship, artistry, astuteness, bravura, brilliance,… … Moby Thesaurus
artifice — Synonyms and related words: Gongorism, Italian hand, Machiavellianism, action, acuteness, ad hoc measure, adeptness, adroitness, affectation, affectedness, ambidexterity, answer, art, artful dodge, artfulness, artificiality, astuteness, bad faith … Moby Thesaurus
bad faith — Synonyms and related words: Machiavellianism, Punic faith, ambidexterity, artifice, barratry, breach, breach of contract, breach of faith, breach of privilege, breach of promise, breach of trust, breaking, contravention, cunning, deceitfulness,… … Moby Thesaurus
craft — Synonyms and related words: Italian hand, ability, acuteness, address, adeptness, adroitness, aeroplane, aircraft, airmanship, animal cunning, argosy, art, artful dodge, artfulness, artifice, artisan work, artisanship, artistry, astuteness, bark … Moby Thesaurus
credibility gap — Synonyms and related words: artfulness, craftiness, deceitfulness, dishonesty, disingenuousness, doubtfulness, falseheartedness, falsehood, fibbery, fibbing, forswearing, fraud, implausibility, inconceivability, incredibility, insincerity,… … Moby Thesaurus