
index familiar (customary), intimate

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  • familiaris — CÂINE s. 1. (zool.; Canis familiaris) (rar) lătrător. 2. (entom.) câinele babei = (reg.) molie, mâţa popii. (familiaris este larva unor fluturi de noapte.) 3. (astron.) câinele mare = (pop.) dulăul (art.); câinele mic = (pop.) căţelul (art.) …   Dicționar Român

  • Familiaris — Familiares pl. ♦ The familiaris was an intimate, a member of the familia or household of the king or other great man. The term is used for those close friends, counsellors, aides, and assistants of the king, who owed their standing and authority… …   Medieval glossary

  • Familiaris consortio — ist ein nachsynodales Apostolisches Schreiben, mit dem sich Papst Johannes Paul II. am 22. November 1981 an die Bischöfe, die Priester und die Gläubigen der ganzen Kirche wandte. Es trägt den Untertitel „Über die Aufgaben der christlichen Familie …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Familiaris Consortio — Main articles: Catholic theology of the body and Teachings of Pope John Paul II Familiaris Consortio (Latin roughly translated as of family partnership , but titled in English On the role of the Christian Family in the Modern World) is a… …   Wikipedia

  • Familiaris — An individual member of the *familia regis …   Dictionary of Medieval Terms and Phrases

  • Familiaris dominus fatuum nutrit servum. — См. Фамильярность …   Большой толково-фразеологический словарь Михельсона (оригинальная орфография)

  • Certhia Familiaris — Grimpereau des bois Grimpereau des bois …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Certhia familiaris — Grimpereau des bois Grimpereau des bois …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Certhia familiaris —   Agateador norteño …   Wikipedia Español

  • Canis familiaris — Chien Wikipédia …   Wikipédia en Français

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