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fatidique — [ fatidik ] adj. • XVe; lat. fatidicus « qui prédit le destin » ♦ Qui marque une intervention du destin. Heure, jour fatidique. « Je me rappelle une date que nous avions crue fatidique, le 31 décembre 1900, seuil du nouveau siècle » (Siegfried).… … Encyclopédie Universelle
fatidic — FATÍDIC, Ă, fatidici, ce, adj. (livr.) Hotărât de soartă; profetic; p. ext. aducător de nenorocire. – Din fr. fatidique, lat. fatidicus. Trimis de cornel, 08.05.2004. Sursa: DEX 98 FATÍDIC adj. FATAL. FUNEST. NEFAST. SINISTRU. SUMBRU. Trimis de … Dicționar Român
fatídico — (Del lat. fatidicus.) ► adjetivo 1 Que anuncia el porvenir. SINÓNIMO agorero 2 Que presagia acontecimientos nefastos: ■ ha sido un día fatídico para tus aspiraciones. SINÓNIMO aciago funesto * * * fatídico, a (del lat. «fatidĭcus») 1 adj. Se a … Enciclopedia Universal
FATA alicujus produci posse — si eius vicem subeat alter. velut hostia quaedam succidanea, Vett. persuasio fuit; Cuiusmodi superstitionis, falsissimae quidem, sed ex vero manantis, exempla non in Graecorum, et Romanorum solum historiis: sed et multarum aliarum gentium… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Fatidical — Fa*tid i*cal, a. [L. fatidicus; fatum fate + dicere to say, tell.] Having power to foretell future events; prophetic; fatiloquent; as, the fatidical oak. [R.] Howell. {Fa*tid i*cal*ly}, adv. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Fatidically — Fatidical Fa*tid i*cal, a. [L. fatidicus; fatum fate + dicere to say, tell.] Having power to foretell future events; prophetic; fatiloquent; as, the fatidical oak. [R.] Howell. {Fa*tid i*cal*ly}, adv. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
fatidic — or fatidical adjective Etymology: Latin fatidicus, from fatum fate + dicere to say more at diction Date: 1607 of or relating to prophecy … New Collegiate Dictionary
Albunea — was in Roman mythology a prophetic nymph or Sibyl, a naiad who lived in the sulfuric spring near Tivoli, with a well and a temple.Citation | last = Schmitz | first = Leonhard | author link = | contribution = Albunea | editor last = Smith | editor … Wikipedia
Indian Cuckoo — A juvenile photographed in Kannur, Kerala. Conservation status … Wikipedia
Holzlaus — (Psocus), Gattung der Termiten od. Nager (Corrodentia), Körper kurz, weich, aufgetrieben, buckelig, großköpfig, Fühlhörner borstenförmig, lang, vor den Augen eingesetzt; die hinteren Flügel kürzer als die vorderen; das Weibchen hat einen… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon