follow one's vocation

follow one's vocation
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  • vocation — /voh kay sheuhn/, n. 1. a particular occupation, business, or profession; calling. 2. a strong impulse or inclination to follow a particular activity or career. 3. a divine call to God s service or to the Christian life. 4. a function or station… …   Universalium

  • vocation — vo•ca•tion [[t]voʊˈkeɪ ʃən[/t]] n. 1) a particular occupation, business, or profession; calling 2) a strong inclination to follow a particular activity or career 3) rel a divine call to a religious life 4) rel a function or station, esp. a… …   From formal English to slang

  • Ecclesiastical and Religious Vocation —     Ecclesiastical and Religious Vocation     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Ecclesiastical and Religious Vocation     An ecclesiastical or religious vocation is the special gift of those who, in the Church of God, follow with a pure intention the… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Fellowship Of Vocation — In the Church of Ireland, individuals who feel called to ministry in its widest sense are asked to meet together regularly in what is known as a Fellowship of Vocation in order to:#Provide members with opportunities to meet together in worship… …   Wikipedia

  • labor — I (exertion) noun discipline, effort, endeavor, energy, enterprise, industry, mental toil, pains, strain, strife II (work) noun advocation, assignment, calling, craft, duty, employ, employment, job, line of business, line of work, occupation,… …   Law dictionary

  • Roman Catholic religious order — Religious orders ( Religious Institutes , cf. canons 573 746) are the major form of consecrated life in the Roman Catholic Church. They are organisations of laity and/or clergy who live a common life following a religious rule under the… …   Wikipedia

  • Nun — For other uses, see Nun (disambiguation). Nun in cloister, 1930; photography by Doris Ulmann A nun is a woman who has taken vows committing her to live a spiritual life.[1] She may be an ascetic who volunta …   Wikipedia

  • practice — prac·tice n 1: the form and manner of conducting judicial and quasi judicial proceedings 2 a: the continuous exercise of a profession; also: the performance of services that are considered to require an appropriate license engaged in the… …   Law dictionary

  • Ecclesiastical Seminary —     Ecclesiastical Seminary     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Ecclesiastical Seminary     I. TERMINOLOGY     The word seminary (Fr. séminaire, Ger. Seminar) is sometimes used, especially in Germany, to designate a group of university students devoted …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Vocational education — A blacksmith is a traditional trade. Vocational education or vocational education and training prepares trainees for very specific job roles. The student or trainee develops expertise in a particular group of techniques or technology.In 2006, the …   Wikipedia

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