forcible extraction
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Extraction — (Roget s Thesaurus) >Forcible egress. < N PARAG:Extraction >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 extraction extraction Sgm: N 1 extracting extracting &c. >V. Sgm: N 1 removal removal elimination extrication eradication evolution … English dictionary for students
evulsion — A forcible pulling out or extraction. Cf.:avulsion. [L. evulsio, fr. e vello, pp. vulsus, to pluck out] * * * evul·sion i vəl shən n the act of extracting forcibly: EXTRACTION <evulsion of a tooth> evulse i vəls vt, evulsed; evuls·ing * * * … Medical dictionary
evulsion — /iˈvʌlʃən/ (say ee vulshuhn) noun 1. the act of plucking or pulling out; forcible extraction. 2. the forcible tearing away of a part. {Latin ēvulsio, from ēvellere pluck out} …
Denailing — the forcible extraction of the fingernails and/or toenails was a favorite method of medieval torture that retains its popularity in the 21st century. It is an efficient form of torture that in modern use causes no permanent physical injury. In… … Wikipedia
Maine State Prison — The Maine State Prison was erected in Thomaston, Maine in 1824[1] and relocated to Warren in 2002.[2] This maximum security prison has a capacity of 916 adult male inmates with an average daily population of 900. Contents 1 History 1.1 New… … Wikipedia
evulsion — /i vul sheuhn/, n. the act of plucking or pulling out; forcible extraction. [1605 15; < L evulsion (s. of evulsio), equiv. to evuls(us) plucked out (ptp. of evellere, equiv. to e E + vellere to pluck) + ion ION] * * * … Universalium
avulsion — avul·sion /ə vəl shən/ n [Latin avulsio act of tearing away, from avellere to tear away, from a off, away + vellere to pull, pluck]: a sudden cutting off of land by flood or change in the course of a body of water; esp: one that separates a… … Law dictionary
accouchement — Childbirth, particularly parturition. SEE ALSO: birth. [Fr. from coucher, to lie down] a. forcé (for sa′) forced, artificially hastened delivery, by means of forceps, version, etc.; originally applied to rapid dilation of the cervix with the… … Medical dictionary
epilate — To extract a hair; to remove the hair from a part by forcible extraction, electrolysis, or loosening at the root by chemical means. Cf.:depilate. [L. e, out, + pilus, a hair] * * * ep·i·late (epґĭ lāt) depilate … Medical dictionary
embryulcia — / ulˈshi ə/ noun (Gr holkē dragging) forcible extraction of a fetus • • • Main Entry: ↑embryo … Useful english dictionary