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Belief propagation — is a message passing algorithm for performing inference on graphical models, such as Bayesian networks and Markov random fields. It calculates the marginal distribution for each unobserved node, conditional on any observed nodes. Belief… … Wikipedia
Belief revision — is the process of changing beliefs to take into account a new piece of information. The logical formalization of belief revision is researched in philosophy, in databases, and in artificial intelligence for the design of rational agents.What… … Wikipedia
BELIEF — The Bible In the Bible there are no articles of faith or dogmas in the Christian or Islamic sense of the terms. Although trust in God is regarded as a paramount religious virtue (Gen. 15:6; Isa. 7:9; cf. Job 2:9), there is nowhere in Scripture an … Encyclopedia of Judaism
principle — I (axiom) noun accepted belief, adage, admitted maxim, article of belief, article of faith, assertion, assurance, basic doctrine, basic law, basic rule, basic truth, belief, canon, conviction, credo, declaration of faith, decretum, doctrine,… … Law dictionary
doctrine — doc·trine / däk trən/ n: a principle established through judicial decisions compare law, precedent doc·tri·nal / trə nəl/ adj Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster … Law dictionary
faith — Synonyms and related words: Weltanschauung, abandon, acceptation, acception, acquiescence, activity, adherence, adherents, adhesion, adoration, allegiance, apostolic faith, ardency, ardor, arrogance, articles of religion, aspiration, assumption,… … Moby Thesaurus
credo — Synonyms and related words: Athanasian Creed, Catechism, Nicene Creed, Weltanschauung, articles of faith, articles of religion, belief, catechism, credenda, creed, cult, doctrinal statement, doctrine, dogma, faith, formulated belief, gospel,… … Moby Thesaurus
creed — Synonyms and related words: Athanasian Creed, Catechism, Nicene Creed, Weltanschauung, affirmance, affirmation, allegation, announcement, annunciation, articles of faith, articles of religion, assertion, asseveration, averment, avouchment, avowal … Moby Thesaurus
religion — Synonyms and related words: Babi, Babism, Bahaism, Brahmanism, Brahmoism, Buddhism, Buddhology, Chen Yen Buddhism, Christianity, Mariolatry, Mariology, Mercersburg theology, Weltanschauung, adoration, anthroposophy, apologetics, articles of… … Moby Thesaurus
catechism — Synonyms and related words: Weltanschauung, articles of religion, bone of contention, credenda, credo, creed, cross interrogatory, cross question, cult, debating point, demand, doctrinal statement, faith, feeler, formulated belief, gospel,… … Moby Thesaurus