hackneyed saying
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hackneyed — [[t]hæ̱knid[/t]] ADJ GRADED If you describe something such as a saying or an image as hackneyed, you think it is no longer likely to interest, amuse or affect people because it has been used, seen, or heard many times before. Power corrupts and… … English dictionary
Saying — A saying is something that is said, notable in one respect or another, to be a pithy expression of wisdom or truth. [1] There are a number of specific types of saying: Apothegm. “…an edgy, more cynical aphorism; such as, ‘Men are generally more… … Wikipedia
platitude — noun absence of meaning, banality, cliche, commonplace expression, commonplace idea, commonplace phrase, dearth of ideas, dull comment, flat saying, hackneyed expression, hackneyed idea, hackneyed phrase, hackneyed saying, inanity, insipid remark … Law dictionary
cliche — Synonyms and related words: abstraction, banality, banalness, bathetic, bromide, byword, catch phrase, catchword, chestnut, cliched, commonness, commonplace, commonplace expression, commonplaceness, corn, corniness, cry, fad word, familiar tune,… … Moby Thesaurus
commonplace — Synonyms and related words: Attic, Babbittish, Philistine, Spartan, abstraction, accustomed, ascetic, austere, average, back number, bald, banal, banality, bare, baseborn, below the salt, bewhiskered, bourgeois, bromide, bromidic, campy, candid,… … Moby Thesaurus
bromide — Synonyms and related words: abstraction, banality, chestnut, cliche, commonplace, commonplace expression, corn, familiar tune, general idea, generalization, generalized proposition, glittering generality, hackneyed expression, hackneyed saying,… … Moby Thesaurus
platitude — Synonyms and related words: abstraction, banality, bromide, chestnut, cliche, commonplace, commonplace expression, corn, familiar tune, general idea, generalization, generalized proposition, glittering generality, hackneyed expression, hackneyed… … Moby Thesaurus
maxim — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Saying Nouns 1. maxim, aphorism, gnome, apothegm, dictum, saying, adage, saw, proverb; sentence, mot, motto, catchphrase, word, moral, byword, household word; axiom, theorum, scholium, truism, truth,… … English dictionary for students
Maxim — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Maxim >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 maxim maxim aphorism Sgm: N 1 apothegm apothegm apophthegm Sgm: N 1 dictum dictum saying adage saw proverb Sgm: N 1 sentence … English dictionary for students
phrase — n 1. word group, unit, construction, term; clause, sentence, verse; portion, part, passage, excerpt; noun phrase, verb phrase, adverbial phrase, adjectival phrase. 2. phraseology, way of speaking, phrasing, manner of expression, mode of speaking; … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder