have one's heart set on
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have one's heart set on — To desire earnestly • • • Main Entry: ↑heart … Useful english dictionary
set one's heart on, to wish for intensely; determine on. Also, have one's heart set on. — idi set one s heart on, to wish for intensely; determine on. Also, have one s heart set on … From formal English to slang
have one's heart set on — verb to want or desire deeply, regardless of practicality or rationality He should buy a truck for his job, but he has his heart set on a sports car … Wiktionary
have one's heart set on smth — want something very much The child has his heart set on getting a new bicycle for his birthday … Idioms and examples
set one's heart (or hopes) on — have a strong desire for or to do. → set … English new terms dictionary
set one's heart on — want very much I set my heart on a nice holiday this winter but I won t be able to go because I have no money. (from Idioms in Speech) implies to long for rather than to intend; to have at all costs Well, it s a mess. She s set her heart upon… … Idioms and examples
set one's heart on doing smth — want very much I set my heart on a nice holiday this winter but I won t be able to go because I have no money. (from Idioms in Speech) implies to long for rather than to intend; to have at all costs Well, it s a mess. She s set her heart upon… … Idioms and examples
set one's heart on — WANT DESPERATELY, wish for, desire, long for, yearn for, hanker after, ache for, hunger for, thirst for, burn for; informal be itching for, be dying for. → set * * * set one s heart on see under ↑heart • • • Main Entry: ↑set * * * set one s heart … Useful english dictionary
heart — /hahrt/, n. 1. Anat. a hollow, pumplike organ of blood circulation, composed mainly of rhythmically contractile smooth muscle, located in the chest between the lungs and slightly to the left and consisting of four chambers: a right atrium that… … Universalium
heart — [[t]hɑrt[/t]] n. 1) anat. a muscular organ in vertebrates (four chambered in mammals and birds, three chambered in reptiles and amphibians, and two chambered in fishes) that receives blood from the veins and pumps it through the arteries to… … From formal English to slang