held back

held back
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  • HELD BACK — …   Useful english dictionary

  • held back his curiosity — restrained his curiosity, did not pry despite his eager desire to know …   English contemporary dictionary

  • held back his laughter — restrained his laughter, did not laugh despite his desire to do so …   English contemporary dictionary

  • held back his tears — did not cry despite his desire to do so, controlled his tears …   English contemporary dictionary

  • back — I [[t]bæ̱k[/t]] ADVERB USES ♦ (In addition to the uses shown below, back is also used in phrasal verbs such as date back and fall back on .) 1) ADV: ADV after v, oft ADV prep If you move back, you move in the opposite direction to the one in… …   English dictionary

  • held — Synonyms and related words: aground, anchored, arrested, based on, besotted, bolstered, borne, braced, buttressed, by one, caught, chained, charmed, conserved, enchanted, enthralled, extra, fascinated, fast, fastened, fixated, fixed, founded on,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • Back flip — is a generic term for a sequence of body movements in which a person leaps into the air, performs one complete backwards revolution while still in the air, and then lands on the feet. Variations of back flips, such as the back tuck and back… …   Wikipedia

  • back — [bæk] verb [transitive] 1. to support someone or something, especially by giving money or using your influence: • The board backed Mr Standley, who plans to cut costs. • Shareholders have backed a plan to build a second plant. 2. FINANCE if …   Financial and business terms

  • Back to Methuselah — (A Metabiological Pentateuch), by George Bernard Shaw consists of a preface (An Infidel Half Century) and a series of five plays: In the Beginning: B.C. 4004 (In the Garden of Eden), The Gospel of the Brothers Barnabas: Present Day, The Thing… …   Wikipedia

  • back|board — «BAK BRD, BOHRD», noun, verb. –n. 1. Basketball. the rectangular or fan shaped board directly behind the basket, on which the basket is mounted. 2. a board placed at or forming the back of anything, as of a picture, a cart, or a boat. 3. a board… …   Useful english dictionary

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