hinder movement
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hinder — verb ADVERB ▪ greatly, seriously, severely ▪ These killings have seriously hindered progress towards/toward peace. VERB + HINDER ▪ be likely to, tend to … Collocations dictionary
hinder — vb Hinder, impede, obstruct, block, bar, dam all mean to put obstacles in the way of a person or thing or of his or its action. To hinder is to check or hold back someone or something in action or about to act, move, or start; the term usually… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
hinder — hinder1 [hin′dər] vt. [ME hindren < OE hindrian, lit., to keep or hold back (akin to Ger hindern) < base of HINDER2] 1. to keep back; restrain; get in the way of; prevent; stop 2. to make difficult for; thwart; impede; frustrate vi. to… … English World dictionary
hinder — verb budget cuts have hindered our progress Syn: hamper, obstruct, impede, inhibit, retard, balk, prevent, thwart, foil, curb, delay, arrest, interfere with, set back, slow down, hobble, hold back, hold up, stop … Thesaurus of popular words
hinder — I. verb (hindered; hindering) Etymology: Middle English hindren, from Old English hindrian; akin to Old English hinder behind Date: before 12th century transitive verb 1. to make slow or difficult the progress of ; hamper 2. to hold back … New Collegiate Dictionary
movement — noun 1 act of moving ADJECTIVE ▪ big ▪ little, slight, small, tiny ▪ The eyes of predators are highly sensitive to the slightest movement. ▪ … Collocations dictionary
hinder — [[t]hɪ̱ndə(r)[/t]] hinders, hindering, hindered 1) VERB If something hinders you, it makes it more difficult for you to do something or make progress. [V n] Does the fact that your players are part timers help or hinder you?... [V n] Further… … English dictionary
Open source movement — The open source movement is a broad reaching movement of individuals who feel that software should be produced altruistically[citation needed]. Open source software is made available for anybody to use or modify, as its source code is made… … Wikipedia
Conservative Holiness Movement — The Conservative Holiness Movement is a term that loosely defines a group of conservative Christian denominations that withdrew from the mainstream holiness movement and trace their origin back to Methodist roots and the teachings of John… … Wikipedia
Jewish beliefs and practices in the reform movement — Jewish beliefs and practices have undergone dynamic changes and innovations in the reform movement of Judaism, known also as Progressive, Reform or Liberal Judaism. Due to its origins in Enlightenment era Germany, the reform movement has eyed… … Wikipedia