hostile attack

hostile attack
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  • hostile — adjective 1) a hostile attack Syn: unfriendly, unkind, bitter, unsympathetic, malicious, vicious, rancorous, venomous, poisonous, virulent; antagonistic, aggressive, confrontational, belligerent, truculent, vitriolic; bellic …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • attack — 1. verb 1) Chris had been brutally attacked Syn: assault, assail, set upon, beat up; batter, pummel, punch; informal do over, work over, rough up 2) they attacked along a 10 mile front Syn: strike, char …   Thesaurus of popular words

  • attack — vb Attack, assail, assault, bombard, storm are comparable not only in their military but also in their extended senses. All carry as their basic meaning to make a more or less violent onset upon. Attack originally connoted a fastening upon… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • attack — [ə tak′] vt. [Fr attaquer < It attaccare < * estaccare < Goth * stakka, stake: see STICK] 1. to use force against in order to harm; start a fight with; strike out at with physical or military force; assault 2. to speak or write against,… …   English World dictionary

  • Attack Of The Planet Smashers — est le second album des Planet Smashers sorti en 1997. Liste des titres Attack of The Planet Smashers –2:39 The 80 Bus –2:52 Hostile –2:16 Change –3:02 Repo Man –3:19 Romeo –2:31 Cooler Than You –2:51 Get Out My Baby –3:21 My Decision –3:21 Uncle …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Attack of the planet smashers — est le second album des Planet Smashers sorti en 1997. Liste des titres Attack of The Planet Smashers –2:39 The 80 Bus –2:52 Hostile –2:16 Change –3:02 Repo Man –3:19 Romeo –2:31 Cooler Than You –2:51 Get Out My Baby –3:21 My Decision –3:21 Uncle …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Hostile Takeover Trilogy — Hostile Takeover is a science fiction trilogy (actually one long novel in three parts) written by S. Andrew Swann and published by DAW Books where the main setting is the Anarcho capitalist planet of Bakunin. It consists of three books titled… …   Wikipedia

  • Attack of The Planet Smashers — est le second album des Planet Smashers sorti en 1997. Liste des titres Attack of The Planet Smashers –2:39 The 80 Bus –2:52 Hostile –2:16 Change –3:02 Repo Man –3:19 Romeo –2:31 Cooler Than You –2:51 Get Out My Baby –3:21 My Decision –3:21 Uncle …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Attack of the Drones — is a short animated film featuring Daffy Duck as Duck Dodgers.With a hostile group of ravenous alien monsters threatening the Earth, Duck Dodgers creates robotic copies to stop them. Afterwards though, the robots rebel and Dodgers has to figure… …   Wikipedia

  • attack — at•tack [[t]əˈtæk[/t]] v. t. 1) to set upon in a forceful, violent, hostile, or aggressive way, with or without a weapon; begin fighting with: The guard dog attacked the prowler[/ex] 2) mil to begin hostilities against; start an offensive against …   From formal English to slang

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