hostile person

hostile person
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  • hostile — (adj.) late 15c., from M.Fr. hostile of or belonging to an enemy or directly from L. hostilis of an enemy, from hostis enemy (see GUEST (Cf. guest)). The noun meaning hostile person is recorded from 1838, Amer.Eng., a word from the Indian Wars …   Etymology dictionary

  • hostile — [häs′təl; ] chiefly Brit [, häs′tīl΄] adj. [L hostilis < hostis, enemy: see HOSPICE] 1. of or characteristic of an enemy; warlike 2. having or showing ill will; unfriendly; antagonistic 3. not hospitable or compatible; adverse 4. Finance of or …   English World dictionary

  • hostile witness — see witness Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. hostile witness n …   Law dictionary

  • hostile work environment — Working conditions that are created when unwelcome, discriminatory conduct that is so severe or pervasive that it alters the conditions of a victim s employment and creates an abusive working environment. Employers can be liable when their… …   Law dictionary

  • hostile environment harassment — hostile en·vi·ron·ment harassment n: employment discrimination consisting of unwelcome verbal or physical conduct (as comments, jokes, or acts) relating to the victim s constitutionally or statutorily protected classification (as race, religion,… …   Law dictionary

  • hostile takeover — n. (Finance) the purchase of a controlling interest in a publicly traded company against the wishes of the current management. Note: A person who is the main principal in performing such a buyout is called a {corporate raider}. Syn: hostile… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Hostile environment sexual harassment — In employment law, hostile environment sexual harassment refers to a situation where employees in a workplace are subject to a pattern of exposure to unwanted sexual behavior from persons other than an employee s direct supervisor where… …   Wikipedia

  • hostile — [[t]hɒ̱staɪl, AM t(ə)l[/t]] 1) ADJ GRADED: oft ADJ to/towards n If you are hostile to another person or an idea, you disagree with them or disapprove of them, often showing this in your behaviour. Many people felt would be hostile to the idea of… …   English dictionary

  • hostile casualty — A person who is the victim of a terrorist activity or who becomes a casualty “in action.” “In action” characterizes the casualty as having been the direct result of hostile action, sustained in combat or relating thereto, or sustained going to or …   Military dictionary

  • hostile — hostilely, adv. /hos tl/ or, esp. Brit., / tuyl/, adj. 1. of, pertaining to, or characteristic of an enemy: a hostile nation. 2. opposed in feeling, action, or character; antagonistic: hostile criticism. 3. characterized by antagonism. 4. not… …   Universalium

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