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  • hunt — I UK [hʌnt] / US verb Word forms hunt : present tense I/you/we/they hunt he/she/it hunts present participle hunting past tense hunted past participle hunted ** 1) a) [intransitive/transitive] to kill animals for food or for their skin or other… …   English dictionary

  • hunt — hunt1 [ hʌnt ] verb ** 1. ) intransitive or transitive to kill animals for food or for their skin or other parts, or for sport: Crocodiles were hunted and killed for their teeth. hunt for: We hunted for rabbits in the hills. a ) to catch and eat… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • Hunt the Wumpus — is an early computer game, based on a simple hide and seek format featuring a mysterious monster (the Wumpus) that lurks deep inside a network of rooms. About the game Using a command line text interface, a player of Hunt the Wumpus enters… …   Wikipedia

  • hunt — [hunt] vt. [ME hunten < OE huntian, prob. < base of hentan, to seize < ? IE * kend , var. of * kent > Goth (fra)hinthan, to seize: see HAND] 1. to go out to kill or catch (game) for food or sport 2. to search eagerly or carefully for; …   English World dictionary

  • Hunt-the-pixel — (also pixel hunt ) is a term used to describe some computer game interfaces involving point and click with a mouse. The term is usually applied to adventure games in which the primary difficulty with some portion of the game lies in finding an… …   Wikipedia

  • Hunt Independent School District — is a public school district based in the community of Hunt, Texas (USA).The district has one school that serves students in grades pre kindergarten through eight. High school students attend Ingram Tom Moore High in the Ingram Independent School… …   Wikipedia

  • hunt — Synonyms and related words: angle for, ask for, beat, beat about for, beat the bushes, beset, burrow, capture, cast about, chase, chase out, check out, chevy, chivy, course, coursing, cynegetics, delve, delve for, dig, dig for, dog, domiciliary… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • hunt — v 1. chase, give chase, run down or after, make after, pursue, course, Brit. chevy, (in India) shikar, follow close or hot on one s heels; hound, dog, hawk, pigstick; stalk, still hunt, track, trail, follow, shadow, haunt, Inf. tail; track down,… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • Hunt test — A hunt test is an event at which the natural ability and training of gun dogs are evaluated against a written standard. Each dog that meets this standard earns a pass. This is unlike a field trial in which dog/handler teams compete against one… …   Wikipedia

  • Hunt, H L — ▪ American industrialist born Feb. 17, 1889, Ramsey, Ill., U.S. died Nov. 29, 1974, Dallas, Texas       American founder of a multibillion dollar oil business who promoted his ultraconservative political views on his own radio program.       Hunt …   Universalium

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