- influence
in·flu·ence n1 a: the act or power of producing an effect without any apparent exertion of force or direct exercise of commandb: corrupt interference with authority for personal gain2: the power or capacity of causing an effect in indirect or intangible ways3: one that exerts influencein·flu·enc·er nunder the influence: affected by alcohol or another intoxicantwas arrested for driving under the influence
Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam-Webster. 1996.
- influence
ascendance, ascendancy, authority, command, consequence, control, dominance, domination, dominion, effect, effectiveness, effectuality, eminence, encouragement, forcefulness, governance, hegemony, hold, importance, incitation, incitement, inspiration, instigation, leadership, leverage, masterfulness, mastery, might, mightiness, omnipotence, paramountcy, pondus, potency potentia, power, powerfulness, predominance, predominancy, prepollence, prepollency, prepotency, prestige, provocation, puissance, reign, rule, sovereignty, superiority, supremacy, sway, urging, vis, weight
associated concepts: coercion controlling influence, improper influence, influence peddling, political influence, undue influence
actuate, arouse, brainwash, bring pressure to bear, cajole, carry weight, convince, direct, form, guide, impel, impellere, impress, incite, induce, inspire, inveigle, lead, militate, modify, mold, motivate, move, movere, persuade, prejudice, pressure, prevail upon, prompt, pull strings, shape, stimulate, sway, talk into, urge, work upon
associated concepts: bribery, control, duress, improper influence, under the influence of alcohol, undue influence, wrong influence
advantage, affect, agitate (activate), authority (power), bait (lure), cause (reason), cause, clout, coax, concern (involve), conduce, consequence (significance), convert (persuade), convince, dint, dispose (incline), dominance, dominate, draw (attraction), eminence, exhort, force (strength), hegemony, imbue, impetus, importance, impress (affect deeply), impression, incentive, incite, induce, inducement, inspire, instigation, inveigle, leverage, lobby, manipulate (control unfairly), militate, motivate, motive, occupation (possession), patronage (power to appoint jobs), patronage (support), persuade, persuasion, power, predominance, predominate (command), pressure (noun), pressure (verb), prestige, prevail (persuade), prevail upon, primacy, prompt, reach, redound, sphere, stimulus, supremacy, weight (importance)
Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006