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  • ingénieux — ingénieux, ieuse [ ɛ̃ʒenjø, jøz ] adj. • 1380; réfect. de engenious d apr. lat. ingeniosus 1 ♦ (Personnes) Qui a l esprit inventif. ⇒ adroit, astucieux, doué, entendu, habile, industrieux, inventif, malin. « L ingénieux Ulysse » (Racine). Un… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • ingenios — INGENIÓS, OÁSĂ, ingenioşi, oase, adj. 1. Care are mult spirit inventiv, multă agerime de minte; iscusit, dibaci. 2. Care este alcătuit, elaborat cu inventivitate, cu măiestrie, cu iscusinţă etc. [pr.: ni os] – Din fr. ingénieux, lat. ingeniosus.… …   Dicționar Român

  • ingeniös — genial; gestalterisch; erfinderisch; ideenreich; einfallsreich; fantasievoll; erfindungsreich; kreativ; innovativ; phantasiebegabt; phantasievoll; …   Universal-Lexikon

  • ingénieuse — ● ingénieux, ingénieuse adjectif (ancien français engignous, du latin ingeniosus) Qui possède un esprit inventif, qui trouve aisément des solutions appropriées à une situation quelconque : C est un bricoleur ingénieux. Se dit de ce qui témoigne d …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Ingenious — In*gen ious, a. [L. ingeniosus, fr. ingenium innate or natural quality, natural capacity, genius: cf. F. ing[ e]nieux. See {Engine}.] 1. Possessed of genius, or the faculty of invention; skillful or promp to invent; having an aptitude to contrive …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • ingenious — adjective Etymology: Middle English ingenyous, from Middle French ingenieus, from Latin ingeniosus, from ingenium natural capacity more at engine Date: 15th century 1. obsolete showing or calling for intelligence, aptitude, or discernment 2.… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • Jovinian — Jovinian, or Jovinianus, (died c.405) was an opponent of Christian asceticism in the 4th century and was condemned as a heretic at synods convened in Rome under Pope Siricius and in Milan by St Ambrose in 393. [ The Oxford Dictionary of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Epistolae familiares — was originally called by Petrarch Epistolarum mearum ad diversos liber ( a book of my letters to different people ), which was shortened later to the current title. Petrarch discovered the text of Cicero’s letters in 1345, which gave him the idea …   Wikipedia

  • Honoré Fabri — (Honoratus Fabrius) (b. 1607 in Ain, France; d. at Rome, 8 March1688) was a French Jesuit theologian. He was a mathematician, physicist and controversialist. LifeHe entered the Society of Jesus at Avignon, in 1626. For eight years he taught… …   Wikipedia

  • Gregor Erhart — Gregor Erhart: Madonna in St. Ulrich und Afra in Augsburg …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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