
index inducement

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

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  • inducement — in·duce·ment /in düs mənt, dyüs / n 1: factual matter presented by way of introduction or background to explain the principal allegations of a legal cause (as of slander or libel) compare innuendo 2: a significant offer or act that promises or… …   Law dictionary

  • COENA Feralis — apud Appuleium, Floridorum l. 4. Procul igitur faces abigerent; Procul ignes amolirentur; Cenam fcralem a tumulo ad mensam referrent: inter Veter. parentalia indigitata arnobio, l. 7. in his, Nam pulticulae, tura cum carnibus rapacium alimenta… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

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