- insusceptible
(resistant) adjective
able to withstand, capable of resisting, defended, fortified, having immunity, having resistance, immune, immunized, not sensitive to, protected, repellent, strengthened, strong, tough, unyielding
(uncaring) adjective
aloof, apathetic, blind, callous, capable of resisting, capable of withstanding, cold, cool, deaf, detached, devoid of feeling, distant, frigid, hard, hardened, heartless, impassive, impervious, incapable of caring, indifferent, indurate, indurated, inflexible, insensate, insensible, insensitive, insolicitous, insouciant, insusceptire, lacking feeling, numb, obdurate, obstinate, pachydermatous, pococurante, recalcitrant, regardless, removed, renitent, sensu carere, stubborn, tough, toughened, unaffected, unaroused, unbending, unconcerned, unemotional, unfeeling, ungiving, unimpassioned, unimpressible, uninterested, unmoved, unresponsive, unstirred, unsympathetic, untouched, unwilling to care, unyielding, without regard
Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006