introduce into evidence

introduce into evidence
verb offer as an exhibit, offer evidence, place into evidence, present evidence, present formally, put forward for consideration, submit as evidence, submit to the court associated concepts: introduce into evidence exhibits, introduce into evidence prior testimony

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

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  • evidence — ev·i·dence 1 / e və dəns, ˌdens/ n [Medieval Latin evidentia, from Latin, that which is obvious, from evident evidens clear, obvious, from e out of, from + videns, present participle of videre to see]: something that furnishes or tends to furnish …   Law dictionary

  • evidence — /ev i deuhns/, n., v., evidenced, evidencing. n. 1. that which tends to prove or disprove something; ground for belief; proof. 2. something that makes plain or clear; an indication or sign: His flushed look was visible evidence of his fever. 3.… …   Universalium

  • Evidence (musician) — Infobox musical artist Name = Evidence Background = solo singer Birth name = Michael Perretta Alias = Mr. Slow Flow, Ev, The Weatherman Born = birth date and age|1976|12|10| Fact|date=July 2008 Origin = Venice Beach, Los Angeles, California, U.S …   Wikipedia

  • Parol evidence rule — The parol evidence rule is the legal application of a rule of evidence in contract cases that prevents a party to a written contract from contradicting (or sometimes adding to) the terms of the contract by seeking the admission of evidence… …   Wikipedia

  • hearsay evidence — noun evidence based on what someone has told the witness and not of direct knowledge • Topics: ↑law, ↑jurisprudence • Hypernyms: ↑evidence * * * noun : legal testimony that consists in a narration by one person of matters told him by another;… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Public policy doctrines for the exclusion of relevant evidence — Evidence Part of the …   Wikipedia

  • Indian Evidence Act — ▪ United Kingdom [1872]       act passed by the British Parliament in 1872 that set forth the rules of evidence admissible in Indian courts and that had far reaching consequences for the traditional systems of caste government in India.… …   Universalium

  • Ernest Martin (murderer) — This article is about Ernest Martin (murderer). For information about archeologist Ernest L. Martin, see Ernest L. Martin. Ernest Martin, (September 22, 1960 ndash; June 18, 2003), was executed by the State of Ohio for the murder of a Cleveland… …   Wikipedia

  • put forth — I verb advance, advise, air, argue, communicate, display, emit, employ, exert, exhibit, extend, go forth, issue, make a suggestion, move, offer, parade, pass, plead, posit, postulate, present, profess, proffer, propose, proposition, propound,… …   Law dictionary

  • miranda hearing — A pre trial proceeding to determine whether there has been compliance with the requirements of the Miranda Rule (q.v.). The outcome will decide whether the prosecution will be permitted to introduce into evidence statements of the defendant made… …   Black's law dictionary

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