invested property

invested property
index investment, securities, security (stock), share (stock), stock (shares)

Burton's Legal Thesaurus. . 2006

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  • Invested Capital — represents the total cash investment that shareholders and debtholders have made in a company. There are two different but completely equivalent methods for calculating invested capital. The operating approach is calculated as:Invested capital =… …   Wikipedia

  • Property manager — A property manager is a person or firm charged with operating a real estate property for a fee, when the owner is unable to personally attend to such details, or is not interested in doing so. Typical jobs include finding/evicting and generally… …   Wikipedia

  • property tax — a tax levied on real or personal property. [1800 10] * * * Levy imposed on real estate (land and buildings) and in some jurisdictions on personal property such as automobiles, jewelry, and furniture. Some countries also levy property taxes on… …   Universalium

  • property bond — A bond issued by a life assurance company, the premiums for which are invested in a fund that owns property …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • property bond — / prɒpəti bɒnd/ noun an investment in a fund invested in properties or in property companies …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • invested capital — Literally, the money or property put into an enterprise. For the purpose of the wartime federal revenue acts, actual cash paid in, or the actual cash value of tangible property paid in, other than cash, for stock or shares in the corporation, or… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • mixed property — Property which is personal in its essential nature, but is invested by the law with certain of the characteristics and features of real property. Heirlooms, fixtures, and title deeds to an estate are of this nature …   Black's law dictionary

  • Self-invested personal pension — A Self Invested Personal Pension (SIPP) is the name given the type of UK government approved personal pension scheme, which allows individuals to make their own investment decisions from the full range of HM Revenue Customs (HMRC) approved… …   Wikipedia

  • Asian property market — Ever since the 1997 Asian financial crisis, property markets have greatly developed through the years. Asian governments have improved the financial stance associated with the structure of hosing finance, allowing more access to a diverse range… …   Wikipedia

  • Civil Incorporation of Church Property —     Civil Incorporation of Church Property     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Civil Incorporation of Church Property     Christianity at its very beginning, found the concept of the corporation well developed under Roman law and widely and variously… …   Catholic encyclopedia

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