
I (crisis) noun contingency, critical moment, critical point, crux, dilemma, emergency, exigency, extremity, plight, predicament, quandary, strait II (eventuality) noun advent, assemblage, coadunation, coalescence, coincidence, concentration, concourse, concurrence, confluence, conflux, congregation, conjuncture, contingency, convergence, correlation, crisis, crossroad, event, eventuality, incident, intersection, meeting, moment, occasion, period, point, posture, situation, stage, union III (stage) noun correlation, eventuality, moment, opportunity, period, turning point IV index case (set of circumstances), connection (fastening), contact (touching), crossroad (turning point), intersection, meeting (encounter), occasion, period, point (period of time), posture (situation), situation

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  • juncture — juncture,[/p] pass, exigency, emergency, contingency, pinch, strait, crisis denote a critical or crucial time or state of affairs (as in the life of a person or institution or the history of a country). Juncture emphasizes the significant… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Juncture — Junc ture (j[u^][ng]k t[ u]r; 135), n. [L. junctura, fr. jungere to join. See {Jointure}.] 1. A joining; a union; an alliance. [Obs.] Devotional compliance and juncture of hearts. Eikon Basilike. [1913 Webster] 2. The line or point at which two… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • juncture — [juŋk′chər] n. [L junctura < jungere, to JOIN] 1. a joining or being joined 2. a point or line of joining or connection; joint, as of two bones, or seam 3. a point of time 4. a particular or critical moment in the development of events; crisis …   English World dictionary

  • juncture — (n.) late 14c., place where two things are joined, from L. iunctura a joining, uniting, a joint, from iunctus, pp. of iungere to join (see JUGULAR (Cf. jugular)). Sense of point in time first recorded 1650s, probably from astrology …   Etymology dictionary

  • juncture — ► NOUN 1) a particular point in time. 2) a place where things join. ORIGIN Latin junctura joint , from jungere to join …   English terms dictionary

  • juncture — junction, juncture A junction is a point at which two or more things are joined, and usually refers to physical objects. It has the special meaning of ‘a point at which roads or railway lines meet or cross’. Juncture occurs principally in the… …   Modern English usage

  • juncture — /jungk cheuhr/, n. 1. a point of time, esp. one made critical or important by a concurrence of circumstances: At this juncture, we must decide whether to stay or to walk out. 2. a serious state of affairs; crisis: The matter has reached a… …   Universalium

  • juncture — noun Date: 14th century 1. a. joint, connection b. the manner of transition or mode of relationship between two consecutive sounds in speech 2. an instance of joining ; junction 3. a point of time; especially one made critical by a concurrence of …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • juncture — n. 1) (ling.) close; open; terminal juncture 2) (misc.) at this juncture ( in this situation ) * * * [ dʒʌŋktʃə] open terminal juncture (ling.) close (misc.) at this juncture ( in this situation ) …   Combinatory dictionary

  • juncture — [[t]ʤʌ̱ŋktʃə(r)[/t]] junctures N COUNT: usu with supp, usu at N At a particular juncture means at a particular point in time, especially when it is a very important time in a process or series of events. What s important at this juncture is the… …   English dictionary

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