alienation — I (estrangement) noun abhorrence, abomination, acrimony, alienatio, animosity, antagonism, antipathy, aversion, bitterness, breach, break, deflection, disaffection, disfavor, disruption, division, enmity, execration, hostility, implacability,… … Law dictionary
Covenant (law) — Property law Part of … Wikipedia
Covenant running with the land — A covenant running with the land, is a real covenant, in the law of real property. It is a nonpossessory interest in land in one form as an agreement between adjoining landowners to do something (affirmative covenant) or to refrain from doing… … Wikipedia
alienation — /eyl(i)yaneyshan/ In real property law, the transfer of the property and possession of lands, tenements, or other things, from one person to another. The term is particularly applied to absolute conveyances of real property. The voluntary and… … Black's law dictionary
alienation — /eyl(i)yaneyshan/ In real property law, the transfer of the property and possession of lands, tenements, or other things, from one person to another. The term is particularly applied to absolute conveyances of real property. The voluntary and… … Black's law dictionary
Restraint on alienation — A restraint on alienation, in the law of real property, is a clause used in the conveyance of real property that seeks to prohibit the recipient from selling or otherwise transferring his interest in the property. Under the common law such… … Wikipedia
restraint on alienation — restraint on alienation: something that serves to prevent a party from alienating property; specif: a provision in an instrument (as a deed or will) that purports to prohibit or penalize the use of the power of alienation ◇ Though not necessarily … Law dictionary
parting with possession — Where the tenant allows the demised premises to be possessed by another party. Usually the alienation covenant will prohibit parting with possession and will prevent the tenant from assigning the lease or granting an underlease. A covenant… … Law dictionary
Christianity — /kris chee an i tee/, n., pl. Christianities. 1. the Christian religion, including the Catholic, Protestant, and Eastern Orthodox churches. 2. Christian beliefs or practices; Christian quality or character: Christianity mixed with pagan elements; … Universalium
UNITED STATES LITERATURE — The Influence of the Bible and Hebrew Culture The Jewish influence on American literary expression predated the actual arrival of Jews in the United States in 1654, for the Puritan culture of New England was marked from the outset by a deep… … Encyclopedia of Judaism