American Depositary Receipt
- American Depositary Receipt
A mechanism designed to facilitate trading in shares of non-US companies in the US stock markets. The main purpose is to create an instrument which can easily be settled through US stock market clearing systems.
+ American Depositary Receipt (ADR)
A negotiable certificate that trades in the US market and represents an ownership interest in a non-US company's debt or equity securities. An ADR represents one or more (or a fraction) of the underlying securities. A US depositary bank issues ADRs after the underlying securities have been delivered to the depositary's local custodian bank in the non-US company's home market.
Historically ADRs have been used to make it easier for US investors to invest in non-US companies (they are denominated in US dollars and pay dividends in US dollars). ADRs can be traded like other securities, either on a securities exchange or in the over-the-counter market, if they meet the listing or trading requirements of those markets.
The terms ADRs and ADSs (American Depositary Shares) are often used interchangeably, although formally an ADR is the physical certificate that represents an ADS. Global Depositary Receipts (GDRs) are depositary receipts, including ADRs, that are issued in one or more markets outside a company's home market.
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American Depositary Receipt — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda ADR (sigla en inglés de American Depositary Receipt) es un título físico que respalda el depósito en un banco estadounidense de acciones de compañías cuyas sociedades fueron constituidas fuera de aquel país, de… … Wikipedia Español
American depositary receipt — ( ADR) Trust receipts equal to a specific number of shares of corporate stock issued in a foreign country. ADRs are sold and traded in the United States. American Banker Glossary * * * ► See ADR. * * * American Depositary Receipt UK US noun… … Financial and business terms
American Depositary Receipt — n. a receipt representing foreign shares of stock held on deposit in an American bank: receipts are denominated in U.S. dollars and traded on American exchanges: also ADR * * * … Universalium
American Depositary Receipt — n. a receipt representing foreign shares of stock held on deposit in an American bank: receipts are denominated in U.S. dollars and traded on American exchanges: also ADR … English World dictionary
American depositary receipt — Banking A series on Financial services … Wikipedia
American Depositary Receipt — An American Depositary Receipt (or ADR) represents the ownership in the shares of a foreign company trading on US financial markets. The stock of many non US companies trades on US exchanges through the use of ADRs. ADRs enable US investors to… … Wikipedia
American Depositary Receipt — Als American Depositary Receipt (ADR, oft auch American Depository Receipt oder American Depositary Share) werden auf Dollar lautende, von US amerikanischen Depotbanken (depositary banks) in den USA ausgegebene Aktienzertifikate bzw.… … Deutsch Wikipedia
American Depositary Receipt — ( ADR) certificates issued by a US depository bank, representing foreign shares held by the bank, usually by a branch or correspondent in the country of issue. One ADR may represent a portion of a foreign share, one share or a bundle of shares of … Financial and business terms
American Depositary Receipt — ADR Le american depositary receipt o adr sono dei certificati sostitutivi di azioni che consentono la contrattazione sul mercato americano di titoli emessi su altre piazze finanziarie. Versione statunitense di uno strumento internazionale… … Glossario di economia e finanza
American Depositary Receipt — Sigla en inglés de American Depositary Receipt. Es un título físico que respalda el depósito en un banco estadounidense de acciones de compañías cuyas sociedades fueron constituídas fuera de aquel país, de manera de poder transar las acciones de… … Enciclopedia Universal