- lacking skill
inept (incompetent), inexperienced
Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006
Burton's Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006
lacking — adjective (not before noun) 1 be lacking in to not have enough of something such as a quality or skill: She seems to be sadly lacking in tact. 2 if something that you need is lacking, you do not have it: Financial backing for the project is still … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
un|skill´ful|ness — un|skill|ful or un|skil|ful «uhn SKIHL fuhl», adjective. 1. displaying lack of skill; awkward; clumsy. 2. lacking in skill; unskilled. –un|skill´ful|ly, –un|skil´ful|ly, adverb. –un|skill´ful|ness … Useful english dictionary
un|skill´ful|ly — un|skill|ful or un|skil|ful «uhn SKIHL fuhl», adjective. 1. displaying lack of skill; awkward; clumsy. 2. lacking in skill; unskilled. –un|skill´ful|ly, –un|skil´ful|ly, adverb. –un|skill´ful|ness … Useful english dictionary
un|skill|ful — or un|skil|ful «uhn SKIHL fuhl», adjective. 1. displaying lack of skill; awkward; clumsy. 2. lacking in skill; unskilled. –un|skill´ful|ly, –un|skil´ful|ly, adverb. –un|skill´ful|ness … Useful english dictionary
poor — [poor] adj. [ME pore < OFr povre < L pauper, poor < IE base * pōu , small > FEW, FOAL] 1. a) lacking material possessions; having little or no means to support oneself; needy; impoverished b) indicating or characterized by poverty 2.… … English World dictionary
weak — adjective Etymology: Middle English weike, from Old Norse veikr; akin to Old English wīcan to yield, Greek eikein to give way, Sanskrit vijate he speeds, flees Date: 14th century 1. lacking strength: as a. deficient in physical vigor ; feeble,… … New Collegiate Dictionary
awkward — awkwardly, adv. awkwardness, n. /awk weuhrd/, adj. 1. lacking skill or dexterity; clumsy. 2. lacking grace or ease in movement: an awkward gesture; an awkward dancer. 3. lacking social graces or manners: a simple, awkward frontiersman. 4. not… … Universalium
awkward — awk•ward [[t]ˈɔk wərd[/t]] adj. 1) lacking skill or dexterity; clumsy 2) lacking grace or ease, as in movement or posture: an awkward gesture[/ex] 3) lacking social graces or manners 4) ill adapted for ease of use or handling: an awkward… … From formal English to slang
ham-fisted — adjective a) Lacking skill in physical movement, especially with the hands b) Lacking skill in general Syn: clumsy, ham handed Ant: dexterous, skillful … Wiktionary
cack-handed — 1. lacking skill with your hands. Rob made a cack handed attempt to fix the door and now it won t close at all. She doesn t strike me as the practical sort she s a bit cack handed. 2. lacking skill in the way that you deal with people. What… … New idioms dictionary