lavish ness

lavish ness
index largess (generosity), philanthropy, waste

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  • lavish — lav•ish [[t]ˈlæv ɪʃ[/t]] adj. 1) expended, bestowed, or occurring in abundance: a lavish serving of food[/ex] 2) using or giving in great amounts; prodigal: to be lavish with one s time or money; to be lavish of affection[/ex] 3) to expend or… …   From formal English to slang

  • lav´ish|ness — lav|ish «LAV ihsh», adjective, verb. –adj. 1. very free or too free in giving or spending; prodigal: »A very rich person can be lavish with his money. Thank the lavish hand that gives world beauty to our eyes (Julia Ward Howe). SYNONYM(S):… …   Useful english dictionary

  • pro|fuse´ness — pro|fuse «pruh FYOOS», adjective. 1. very abundant: »profuse thanks. 2. spending or giving freely; lavish; extravagant: »a profuse spender. ╂[< Latin profūsus poured forth, past participle of profundere < prō forth + fundere to pour]… …   Useful english dictionary

  • ex|trav´a|gant|ness — ex|trav|a|gant «ehk STRAV uh guhnt», adjective. 1. spending carelessly and lavishly; wasteful: »An extravagant person has extravagant tastes and habits. SYNONYM(S): prodigal, lavish. 2. beyond the bounds of reason; fantastically absurd; excessive …   Useful english dictionary

  • gen´er|ous|ness — gen|er|ous «JEHN uhr uhs, JEHN ruhs», adjective. 1. willing to share with others; unselfish: »Though he didn t have much to give, he was generous with his money. SYNONYM(S): liberal, bountiful, lavish. 2. noble and forgiving; not mean. SYNONYM(S) …   Useful english dictionary

  • pro|fu´sive|ness — pro|fu|sive «pruh FYOO sihv», adjective. profuse; lavish; prodigal: »a profusive variety of spring flowers (Harper s). –pro|fu´sive|ly, adverb. –pro|fu´sive|ness, noun …   Useful english dictionary

  • sump´tu|ous|ness — sump|tu|ous «SUHMP chu uhs», adjective. 1. costly; magnificent; rich: »sumptuous clothes. The king gave a sumptuous banquet. SYNONYM(S): luxurious, lavish. 2. splendid or magnificent in appearance: »She spoke and turn d her sumptuous head… …   Useful english dictionary

  • un|spar´ing|ness — un|spar|ing «uhn SPAIR ihng», adjective. 1. not sparing; very generous; lavish; liberal: »to distribute gifts with unsparing hand. SYNONYM(S): bountiful. 2. not merciful; severe; ruthless: »unsparing justice, to forgive others but be unsparing of …   Useful english dictionary

  • un|thrift´i|ness — un|thrift|y «uhn THRIHF tee», adjective, thrift|i|er, thrift|i|est. 1. wasteful; lavish. 2. not thriving or flourishing; lacking vigor or promi …   Useful english dictionary

  • wan´ton|ness — wan|ton «WON tuhn», adjective, noun, verb. –adj. 1. reckless, heartless, or malicious: »That boy hurts animals from wanton cruelty. 2. without reason or excuse: »a wanton attack, wanton mischief. SYNONYM(S): unjustified. 3. a) not moral; not… …   Useful english dictionary

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