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overthrow — v 1. vanquish, conquer, subjugate, Sl. shellac; defeat, beat, rout, discomfit, worst, thrash; overpower, overmaster, be victorious over, Inf. whip; subvert, overturn, overcome, overwhelm, prevail over, surmount; quash, quell, squash, squelch;… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
ruin — n 1. devastation, desolation, ravagement, havoc, destruction; dilapidation, ruination, wreck, wreckage, wrack, wrack and ruin; disruption, upheaval; crash, collision, crack up. 2. overthrow, overturn, subversion, suppression, subdual, conquest;… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
eradicate — I verb abolish, annihilate, annul, black out, blot out, cause to cease, deal destruction, delete, demolish, deracinate, destroy, destroy thoroughly, displace, dispose of, dissolve, do away with, do away with completely, efface, eject, eliminate,… … Law dictionary
eliminate — v 1. discard, get rid of, get clear of, remove, cast away, cast aside, reject; dismiss, discharge, fire, Sl. sack; expel, cast out, force out, eject, evict; drive out, thrust out, extrude, throw out, oust, Sl. bounce; exclude, shut out, shut the… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
demolish — v 1. raze, tear down, pull down, take down, bring down, break down, throw down, beat down, batter down; cast down, knock down, fling down, hurl down, precipitate, Inf. spill, tumble, topple; fell, lay level, prostrate, level, bulldoze, flatten;… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
efface — v 1. expunge, obliterate, wipe out, blot out, stamp out, crush out, snuff out, strike out; eradicate, extirpate, destroy, annihilate, discreate, exterminate, abolish; remove, eliminate, get rid of, do away with, leave no vestige or trace of, put… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
eradicate — v 1. extirpate, destroy totally, annihilate, discreate, exterminate, abolish; expung * obliterate, efface; strike out, blot out, stamp out, crush out, snuff out, wipe out; remove, eliminate, get rid of, liquidate, purge; do away with, leave no… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
expunge — v 1. obliterate, extirpate, eradicate, exterminate, annihilate, abolish, discreate; blot out, strike out, stamp out, snuff out, crush out; devastate, destroy, demolish, ravage, desolate, ruin, Dial. ruinate, raze; efface, wipe out, do away with,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
extinguish — v 1. snuff out, put out, quench, Inf. douse, Inf. dinch, blow out, (of a light) turn off, (of a cigar, cigarette) Sl. snub out; smother, suffocate, stifle, damp, choke. 2. extirpate, obliterate, expunge, eradicate, exterminate, annihilate,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
extirpate — v 1. obliterate, exterminate, expunge, eradicate, annihilate, discreate, abolish; blot out, strike out, stamp out, snuff out, crush out; devastate, destroy, demolish, ravage, desolate, ruin, Dial. ruinate, raze; efface, wipe out, do away with,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder