legal expert
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legal expert — noun a legal scholar versed in civil law or the law of nations • Syn: ↑jurist • Derivationally related forms: ↑jurisprudence (for: ↑jurist) • Topics: ↑law, ↑jurispru … Useful english dictionary
legal expert — / li:g(ə)l ˌekspɜ:t/ noun a person who knows a lot about the law … Dictionary of banking and finance
legal profession — Introduction vocation that is based on expertise in the law and in its applications. Although there are other ways of defining the profession, this simple definition may be best, despite the fact that in some countries there are several… … Universalium
legal counselor — Synonyms and related words: advocate, agent, amicus curiae, attorney, attorney at law, barrister, barrister at law, counsel, counselor, counselor at law, deputy, friend at court, intercessor, lawyer, legal adviser, legal expert, legal… … Moby Thesaurus
Legal psychology — involves empirical, psychological research of the law, legal institutions, and people who come into contact with the law. Legal psychologists typically take basic social and cognitive theories and principles and apply them to issues in the legal… … Wikipedia
Expert-Comptable — Un expert comptable est un professionnel de la comptabilité. Il tient, contrôle, surveille, redresse la comptabilité des entreprises et entités juridiques. Il établit les bilans et comptes de résultats des entreprises. Sommaire 1 Formation 2… … Wikipédia en Français
Expert-comptable — Un expert comptable est un professionnel de la comptabilité. Il tient, contrôle, surveille, redresse la comptabilité des entreprises et entités juridiques. Il établit les bilans et comptes de résultats des entreprises. Sommaire 1 Formation 2… … Wikipédia en Français
Expert comptable — Un expert comptable est un professionnel de la comptabilité. Il tient, contrôle, surveille, redresse la comptabilité des entreprises et entités juridiques. Il établit les bilans et comptes de résultats des entreprises. Sommaire 1 Formation 2… … Wikipédia en Français
expert witness — see witness Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. expert witness n … Law dictionary
expert — ex·pert n: a person with special or superior skill or knowledge in a particular area see also expert witness at witness Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 … Law dictionary