Legal Briefs — is an interactive television program aired on CablePulse24 and CourtTV Canada, hosted by Lorne Honickman, a lawyer and journalist, as he discusses the ins outs of the Canadian legal system and provides free legal advice.Legal briefs also refer to … Wikipedia
Legal research in the United States — What is Legal Research? Legal research is the process of identifying and retrieving information necessary to support legal decision making. In its broadest sense, legal research includes each step of a course of action that begins with an… … Wikipedia
legal — 1. Conforming to the law; according to law; required or permitted by law; not forbidden or discountenanced by law; good and effectual in law; of or pertaining to the law; lawful. Freeman v. Fowler Packing Co., 135 Kan. 378, 11 P.2d 276, 277. See… … Black's law dictionary
legal — 1. Conforming to the law; according to law; required or permitted by law; not forbidden or discountenanced by law; good and effectual in law; of or pertaining to the law; lawful. Freeman v. Fowler Packing Co., 135 Kan. 378, 11 P.2d 276, 277. See… … Black's law dictionary
Legal debate — A legal debate is a discussion between lawyers, legal academics, jurists, politicians, and others who might have an interest or expertise in the law, about a particular legal issue. Overview Legal debates can take many forms, and do not… … Wikipedia
Legal status of Internet pornography — Due to the international nature of the Internet, Internet pornography carries with it special issues with regard to the law. There is no one set of laws that apply to the distribution, purchase, or possession of Internet pornography. Only the… … Wikipedia
issue — 1. verb To send forth; to emit; to promulgate; as, an officer issues orders, process issues from a court. To put into circulation; as, the treasury issues notes. To send out, to send out officially; to deliver, for use, or authoritatively; to go… … Black's law dictionary
issue — 1. verb To send forth; to emit; to promulgate; as, an officer issues orders, process issues from a court. To put into circulation; as, the treasury issues notes. To send out, to send out officially; to deliver, for use, or authoritatively; to go… … Black's law dictionary
issue — is·sue 1 / i ˌshü, ˌsyü/ n 1 pl: proceeds from a source of revenue (as an estate) rents, issue s, and profits 2: one or more lineal descendants died without issue compare … Law dictionary
Legal deposit — is a legal requirement that a person or group submit copies of their publications to a repository, usually a library. The requirement is mostly limited to books and periodicals. The number of copies varies and can range from one to 19 (in Poland) … Wikipedia