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levy — 1 / le vē/ n pl lev·ies 1: an act of levying: as a: the imposition or collection of a tax b: the seizure according to a writ of execution of real or personal property in a judgment debtor s possession to satisfy a judgment debt 2: an amount… … Law dictionary
LEVY — LEVY, wealthy family of Portuguese refugees in morocco . MEYER (d. 1520) established an important spinning mill in Safi; the carpets woven there were famous. In about 1510 the king of Portugal appointed Meyer royal treasurer. In 1520 the sharif… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
levy — An imposition whether of a tax, a burden upon property as authorized by a writ, or compulsory military service. Of tax: The acts of imposing and collecting a tax under authority of law. State v Camp Sing, 18 Mont 128, 44 P 516. The establishment… … Ballentine's law dictionary
levy — Synonyms and related words: angary, annex, annexation, annexure, ask, ask for, assess, assessment, attach, attachment, beat the drums, blackmail, boot, bugle call, burden with, call, call for, call to arms, call up, call up, catchword, cess,… … Moby Thesaurus
levy at the risk of the plaintiff — An endorsement upon the writ of execution by the execution officer meaning, not only that the execution creditor has agreed to indemnify the execution officer for a wrongful levy, but also that the property may be left with the execution debtor… … Ballentine's law dictionary
levy — v. & n. v.tr. ( ies, ied) 1 a impose (a rate or toll). b raise (contributions or taxes). c (also absol.) raise (a sum of money) by legal execution or process (the debt was levied on the debtor s goods). d seize (goods) in this way. e extort (levy … Useful english dictionary
levy — n 1. raising, collecting, collection, gathering; enrollment, induction, call up, summons; conscription, draft, enlistment, impressment; recruitment, mobilization, muster, assemblage, call to arms, call to colors, rally, round up, war measures. 2 … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
wrongful levy — A levy made by the sheriff or other officer upon exempt property; a levy which is excessive in reference to the amount of property seized; a levy upon the property of a person other than one named in the writ; or any levy constituting an improper … Ballentine's law dictionary
constructive levy — The act of an officer armed with a writ of attachment or execution in reference to property of the defendant which would render the officer liable for conversion or trespass if it were not for the protection given him by the writ. 6 Am J2d Attach … Ballentine's law dictionary
excessive levy — A levy upon more property of the defendant than in the opinion of a reasonably prudent man is necessary to satisfy the debt, interest, and costs, considering various factors, such as encumbrances upon the property, the fact that a forced sale… … Ballentine's law dictionary