- B2C
In the context of e-commerce, business-to-consumer transactions.
Practical Law Dictionary. Glossary of UK, US and international legal terms. www.practicallaw.com. 2010.
Practical Law Dictionary. Glossary of UK, US and international legal terms. www.practicallaw.com. 2010.
B2C — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda B2C es la abreviatura de la expresión Business to Consumer («del negocio al consumidor», en inglés). Se pronuncia biː.tuː.siː. B2C se refiere a la estrategia que desarrollan las empresas comerciales para llegar… … Wikipedia Español
B2C — adjective, adverb COMMERCE COMPUTING business to consumer/ customer; B2C selling is done by companies to customers over the Internet : • These firms make up the largest group of B2C companies today. B2C noun [uncountable] … Financial and business terms
B2C — (Business to Consumer, рус. Бизнес для Потребителя) термин, обозначающий коммерческие взаимоотношения между организацией (Business) и частным, так называемым конечным потребителем (Customer) [1]. B2C также, форма электронной торговли, целью… … Википедия
B2C — 〈Abk. für engl.〉 Business to Consumer * * * B2C [Abk. für Business to Customer (engl. 2 = two), dt. »von Unternehmen zu Kunde«], Bezeichnung für Kommunikation oder Transaktionen zwischen Unternehmen und (Privat )Kunden, vor allem im Bereich des … Universal-Lexikon
B2C — es la abreviatura de la expresión business to consumer (empresas a consumidor), es decir, el comercio electrónico que realizan las empresas con los particulares. Potencialmente, tiene un gran recorrido a largo plazo y en la actualidad se va… … Enciclopedia Universal
B2C — 〈Abk. für engl.〉 Business to Consumer … Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch
B2C — [bi:tu si] das; : Abk. für ↑Business to Consumer … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
B2C — [ ,bi tə si ] adjective BUSINESS business to consumer: a type of business activity in which companies use the Internet to sell products and services directly to customers … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
B2C — (business to consumer) adj. business model which focuses on providing services directly to the final consumer (used by companies that do business over the Internet) … English contemporary dictionary
B2C — [bi:tʊ si:] <englisch> = Business to Customer (zwischen Firma und Kunden) … Die deutsche Rechtschreibung