list of causes instituted in court

list of causes instituted in court
index calendar (list of cases)

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  • List of Deadliest Catch episodes — This is a list of Deadliest Catch episodes with original airdate on Discovery Channel. Airdates on Discovery Channel Canada generally differ. Contents 1 Pilot 2 Season 1 3 Season 2 4 Season 3 …   Wikipedia

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  • court — /kawrt, kohrt/, n. 1. Law. a. a place where justice is administered. b. a judicial tribunal duly constituted for the hearing and determination of cases. c. a session of a judicial assembly. 2. an area open to the sky and mostly or entirely… …   Universalium

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  • calendar — cal·en·dar 1 n 1: a list of cases ready to be heard on a procedural action the motion calendar; specif: a list of cases ready for trial – called also list; compare docket ◇ Generally it is up to the party that wants to go to trial to have a case… …   Law dictionary

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