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failure — failure, neglect, default, miscarriage, dereliction are comparable when they mean an omission on the part of someone or something of what is expected or required oj him or of it. Failure basically implies a being found wanting; it implies a lack… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
default — /di fawlt /, n. 1. failure to act; inaction or neglect: They lost their best client by sheer default. 2. failure to meet financial obligations. 3. Law. failure to perform an act or obligation legally required, esp. to appear in court or to plead… … Universalium
default — /dəˈfɔlt / (say duh fawlt) noun 1. failure to act; neglect. 2. failure to meet financial obligations. 3. Law failure to perform an act or obligation legally required, especially to appear in court or to plead at a time assigned. 4. failure to… …
default — de·fault /di fȯlt, dē ˌfȯlt/ n [Anglo French defalte defaute lack, fault, failure to answer a summons, from defaillir to be lacking, fail, from de , intensive prefix + faillir to fail] 1: failure to do something required by duty (as under a… … Law dictionary
forfeit — for·feit 1 / fȯr fət/ n [Anglo French, from Middle French forfait, past participle of forfaire to commit a crime, from fors outside + faire to do]: something forfeited or subject to being forfeited forfeit 2 vt 1: to lose or lose the right to by … Law dictionary
Law, Crime, and Law Enforcement — ▪ 2006 Introduction Trials of former heads of state, U.S. Supreme Court rulings on eminent domain and the death penalty, and high profile cases against former executives of large corporations were leading legal and criminal issues in 2005.… … Universalium
default — [dē fôlt′, difôlt′] n. [ME < OFr defaute < VL * defallita, pp. of * defallere, to lack < L de , away + fallere, to FAIL] 1. failure to do something or be somewhere when required or expected; specif., a) failure to pay money due b)… … English World dictionary
Opposition to the War in Afghanistan (2001–present) — Foreign troops forcibly breaking into an Afghan home to conduct a house search, with a woman and child in the background. Opposition to the decade long Afghanistan war stems from numerous factors these include the view that the U.S. invasion of… … Wikipedia
Casos de dopaje en el deporte — Anexo:Casos de dopaje en el deporte Saltar a navegación, búsqueda La lista de casos de dopaje en el deporte es una lista incompleta de deportistas que han estado implicados en acusaciones por dopaje. Esta contiene a aquellos que han sido… … Wikipedia Español
Bird migration — A flock of Barnacle Geese during autumn migration … Wikipedia