make a prognosis
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prognosis — n. to make a prognosis * * * [prɒg nəʊsɪs] to make a prognosis … Combinatory dictionary
diagnosis, prognosis — To make a diagnosis is to identify and define a problem, usually a disease. A prognosis is a projection of the course and likely outcome of a problem. Diagnosis applies only to conditions, not to people. Thus Asbestos victims were not… … Dictionary of troublesome word
diagnosis, prognosis — To make a diagnosis is to identify and define a problem, usually a disease. A prognosis is a projection of the course and likely outcome of a problem. Diagnosis applies only to conditions, not to people. Thus Asbestos victims were not… … Dictionary of troublesome word
forecast — Synonyms and related words: accounting, actuarial prediction, adumbrate, analysis, anticipate, anticipation, apocalypse, arrange, augur, augury, automatic electronic navigation, braking, calculate, calculation, cast, cast a horoscope, cast a… … Moby Thesaurus
presage — Synonyms and related words: actuarial prediction, adumbrate, apocalypse, apprehensiveness, augur, augury, auspicate, bespeak, betoken, bode, boding, cast a horoscope, cast a nativity, clairvoyance, divine, dope, dope out, dowse for water,… … Moby Thesaurus
speculate — Synonyms and related words: be abstracted, be caught short, be short, belong, brood, bucket, bucketshop, buy in, buy into, call, cast a horoscope, cast a nativity, cast lots, cerebrate, chew over, chew the cud, cogitate, consider, contemplate,… … Moby Thesaurus
Hiatus hernia — Ventricular hernia Classification and external resources ICD 10 K44, Q40.1 … Wikipedia
prognose — /prog nohs , nohz /, v.t., v.i., prognosed, prognosing. Med. to subject to or make a prognosis. [1895 1900; back formation from PROGNOSIS] * * * … Universalium
Dyslexia — is a specific reading disability due to a defect in the brain s (higher cortical) processing of graphic symbols. Dyslexia is thus a learning disability that alters the way the brain processes written material. The effects of dyslexia vary from… … Medical dictionary
prognosticate — To give a prognosis. SYN: prognose. * * * prog·nos·ti·cate präg näs tə .kāt vt, cat·ed; cat·ing to make a prognosis about the probable outcome of prog·nos·ti·ca·tion .näs tə kā shən n * * * prog·nos·ti·cate (prog nosґtĭ kāt) to forecast … Medical dictionary