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  • flaunt — I verb air, be conspicuous, be ostentatious, be showy, boast, brandish, display, display oneself boldly, display with effrontery, exhibit, exhibit boastfully, flash, flourish, iactare, make a gaudy display, make a show of, make a showy appearance …   Law dictionary

  • Discworld gods — See also: Discworld (world)#Magic Some of the Discworld gods at Dunmanifestin. L R: Sessifet (off left),Offler, Flatulus (behind Offler), Fate, Urika, Blind Io, Libertina, The Lady, Bibulous, Patina (behind Bibulous), Topaxi (in front of… …   Wikipedia

  • PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE — CIVIL Court Sessions The courts of three (judges) exercising jurisdiction in civil matters (see bet din ) held their sessions during the day, but – following Jethro s advice to Moses that judges should be available at all times (Ex. 18:22) – they …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • Anthropomorphic personifications (Discworld) — An anthropomorphic personification is a natural process endowed with human form and personality. In the Discworld fantasy realm created in the novels of the same name by Terry Pratchett, personifications are fully fledged characters whose… …   Wikipedia

  • flash — n 1. streak, patch, glint, lightning; shaft, ray, beam; gleam, glare, fulguration, coruscation; brightness, dazzle, dazzling, bedazzlement, bedazzling, blinding; blaze, flame, flare, spark, scintilla, scintillation; shimmer, flicker, twinkle,… …   A Note on the Style of the synonym finder

  • dash — dash1 [dash] vt. [ME dashen, to strike, rush < Scand, as in Swed daska, Dan daske, slap; prob. of echoic orig.] 1. to throw so as to break; smash 2. to strike with violence 3. to throw, knock, or thrust: with away, down, against, etc. 4. to… …   English World dictionary

  • dash — v. & n. v. 1 intr. rush hastily or forcefully (dashed up the stairs). 2 tr. strike or fling with great force, esp. so as to shatter (dashed it to the ground; the cup was dashed from my hand). 3 tr. frustrate, daunt, dispirit (dashed their hopes) …   Useful english dictionary

  • pre|ten|sion — pre|ten|sion1 «prih TEHN shuhn», noun. 1. a claim: »The young prince has pretensions to the throne. He makes no pretensions to special wisdom. 2. the action of putting forward a claim; laying claim to; demand. 3. a doing things for show or to… …   Useful english dictionary

  • pre|ten´tious|ness — pre|ten|tious «prih TEHN shuhs», adjective. 1. making claims to excellence or importance: »a pretentious person, a pretentious book, a pretentious speech. 2. doing things for show or to make a fine appearance; showy; ostentatious: »a pretentious… …   Useful english dictionary

  • pre|ten´tious|ly — pre|ten|tious «prih TEHN shuhs», adjective. 1. making claims to excellence or importance: »a pretentious person, a pretentious book, a pretentious speech. 2. doing things for show or to make a fine appearance; showy; ostentatious: »a pretentious… …   Useful english dictionary

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