capital losses

capital losses
Losses arising on the sale or exchange of capital assets.
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Practical Law Dictionary. Glossary of UK, US and international legal terms. . 2010.

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  • Capital gains tax in Australia — Capital Gains Tax (CGT) in Australia applies to the capital gain made on disposal of any asset, except for specific exemptions. The most significant exemption is the family home. Rollover provisions apply to some disposals, one of the most… …   Wikipedia

  • capital gains tax — (CGT) When you sell a capital asset such as a property or shares, the profit is treated as a capital gain rather than income and is subject to Capital Gains Tax. This is the difference between the base cost (i.e. the acquisition cost) and the… …   Law dictionary

  • capital assets — Assets which are held other than as trading assets. + capital assets USA All property held by a taxpayer unless specifically excluded under the IRC (IRC § 1221(a)). The following types of property are generally excluded from the definition of… …   Law dictionary

  • capital gain — see gain Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. capital gain …   Law dictionary

  • Capital gains tax — A capital gains tax (abbreviated: CGT) is a tax charged on capital gains, the profit realized on the sale of a non inventory asset that was purchased at a lower price. The most common capital gains are realized from the sale of stocks, bonds,… …   Wikipedia

  • Capital gains tax in the United States — In the United States, individuals and corporations pay income tax on the net total of all their capital gains just as they do on other sorts of income. Capital gains are generally taxed at a preferential rate in comparison to ordinary income.… …   Wikipedia

  • Capital Loss Carryover — The net amount of capital losses that aren t deductible for the current tax year but can be carried over into future tax years. Net capital losses (total capital losses minus total capital gains) can only be deducted up to a maximum of $3,000 in… …   Investment dictionary

  • capital gains tax — CGT A UK tax on capital gains, introduced on 6 April 1965. It is charged on the total amount of the chargeable gains accruing to a chargeable person in a fiscal year after deducting any allowable capital losses for the year or capital losses… …   Accounting dictionary

  • capital gains tax — n [C, U] (in Britain) a tax on the profits people make from selling investments (= things in which they have invested money), such as shares or property. * * * Tax levied on gains realized from the sale or exchange of capital assets. Though… …   Universalium

  • capital loss — allowable capital loss The excess of the cost of an asset over the proceeds received on its disposal. Both individuals and companies may set capital losses against capital gains to establish tax liability. Since 1994 indexation is no longer… …   Accounting dictionary

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